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Puneet Chhahira

Fast followers are fast losers in the digital world of platform banking

In the digital banking world, there are two clear pockets of influence – the really big incumbent banks and their digital-born challengers. The former have “presence” on their side – scale, customer b...

04 Apr 2018
Breana Patel

Top 10 tips for building RPA Center of Excellence

How Disruptive Technology Can Help Financial Institutions As financial institutions race to improve operational efficiencies, robotic process automation (RPA) has emerged in recent years as a way to h...

03 Apr 2018
Digital Banking Trends
A Finextra Member

Blockchain Is As Fallible, And Guilt-Free, As Any Other Technology

The rise of distributed ledger technology, commonly known as blockchain, has been highly controversial since the beginning. Between its ties to Bitcoin and the news of links to child pornography disco...

03 Apr 2018
A Finextra Member

AI-enabled 'financial soulmate' for the 'me generation'. Introducing MIMI

Millennials, often termed the ‘me generation’, are some of banking’s most valuable and most demanding customers. Driven by service quality, personalization and price, they expect to be the focal point...

03 Apr 2018
A Finextra Member

Will 2018 launch a new era for retail banks?

Last year, retail banks increasingly debated how they would cope in a post-Payments Service Directive II (PSD2) world. The directive (which came into force on 13th January 2018 in the UK) is shaking u...

03 Apr 2018
Uma Pasupathy

Is your Bank, a primary Bank of the customer?

On an average, a financial literate person has a minimum of two banking accounts. Now, that bank which caters to most of the banking needs of the customer reaps greater business benefits. Customer ret...

03 Apr 2018
A Finextra Member

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for the Small Business

Over the past few years, interest in artificial intelligence has begun to rise in the minds of the everyday person. Artificial Intelligence, formerly known and dismissed as technology only possible i...

02 Apr 2018
Business Knowledge for IT
A Finextra Member

Is Blockchain the Next Betamax Tape?

In 1975, Sony released its latest analog video tape cassette. This was the beginning of a war to have the best recording format in the newly created video industry. JVC countered with VHS and Phillips...

02 Apr 2018
Varun Maggon

Countering Remittance Frauds with an Enterprise-wide Fraud Management Approach

Cybercrime continues to be an unending botheration for banks. While the focus of attempts and attacks until recently, tended to be on the banks’ customers (via card and account detail compromises), of...

02 Apr 2018
Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis
Ketharaman Swaminathan

When Will Fintechs Sell What Consumers Want To Buy?

As soon as my daughter was born, I opened a bank account in her name. As a minor, her account was held jointly in her parents' name all these years. My daughter turned 18 recently. I went to the bank ...

01 Apr 2018
Shubham Kumar

Blockchain! The panacea for frauds in Collateral Management

A couple of years ago, a report was published in India that Public Sector Banks lost more than $1.2 billion in loans where the documents provided were fake. Recently there were news reports that Feder...

31 Mar 2018
Digital Banking Trends
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Hyperledger blockchain projects go from incubation to production-ready status

Last year I wrote a blog on the Hyperledger project and what that could mean for blockchain acceptance (see my blog: Hyperledger Project: collaboration pays off, 9 April 2017). We are now almost a yea...

30 Mar 2018

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