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205 Results from /identity

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Simple questions - simple answers

Home- and SME-business e-banking was introduced in Finland in the early 80s. It became a success first because of bill payments and as employees were allowed to use workplace computers for personal banking (modems for home PCs were not that common first). Share trading and other bank services were added soon after. Interconnecting customers with e...

/regulation /identity Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Interconnecting organisations and citizens on the path to EUDI2

The European Union has now almost completed a massive legislation effort to promote the data driven economy. There should be no question that this common Trust Infrastructure is much needed in all countries and a new opportunity to take a decisive step towards a much more on a daily level concrete Single Market. It is no secret that Europe need...

/retail /identity Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Dear member states. Action is all

The European Union has - as most of us know - made a massiv effort for the Trust infrastructure needed for the data driven economy. Small wonder when it has been understood how enormous the benefits will be for productivity, security, services to citizens and enterprises, privacy, ethical AI and the Single Market. But - now as we should realise ...

/retail /identity Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

EU Trust Infrastructure and Cyber Security

Trust over IP started off to put users in charge of their data but much also because it was estimated that cyber crime annual damages was exceeding 6 trillion USD. With SSI and wallets for all verified data for all parties the risks and damages can be minimized. Much work is going on also in EU to improve cyber security - now especially in the fac...

/payments /identity Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Dance floor for all data

Data - and lately especially verified data - has for many years been a top priority in national and EU priorities. What the EU Trust Infrastructure's already de-facto EUDI-interoperable wallets mean in terms of benefits for all parties (with small investments) should be properly evaluated in all member state digital strategies - and then lead to c...

/regulation /identity Innovation in Financial Services

Jose Pierre

Jose Pierre CEO at Marketware International, Inc.

Humility: The Key to Transformative Leadership

In a world where power and authority are often equated with loudness and assertiveness, the quiet strength of humility stands in stark contrast. True leadership, marked by humility, is a powerful force that transforms organizations and inspires loyalty and trust among followers. Humble leaders are quick to forgive, difficult to offend, and always ...

/people /identity Business

Clare Rowley

Clare Rowley Head of Business Operations at Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)

The Value of the LEI in Cross-Border Payments: Enhancing Account-to-Account (A2A) Owner Validation

The need to harmonize cross-border trust services continues to grow in line with the ever-increasing volume of trade and commerce taking place globally across digital platforms. In this effort, the LEI can play a fundamental enabling role. The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has already endorsed the LEI to support the goals of its G20-endorsed Road...

/payments /identity Digital Identity Management

Eli Talmor

Eli Talmor CEO at ID-Bound

Can we save DeFi from being Centralized?

DeFi - Addressing the Limitations of Traditional Finance. DeFi, or Decentralized Finance, aims to tackle several problems users face with traditional financial systems: Limited Access: Traditional finance often excludes people due to factors like geographical location, credit history, or minimum balance requirements. DeFi, built on blockchain techn...

/regulation /identity Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Simon Horswell

Simon Horswell Fraud Specialist Manager at Onfido

From Friction to Fluidity: Ensuring Security and User Experience in Finance

In today’s digital world, 81% of people access online services daily. Against this backdrop, verifying identities online has become a new business standard. It’s a yardstick to measure an organisation’s digital readiness and resilience, which is why 1 in 2 end users now encounter digital identity verification (IDV) during the registration process....

/identity Digital Identity Management

Brittany Allen

Brittany Allen Trust & Safety Architect at Sift

Tackling the Surge in Refund Fraud: A Growing Concern for E-commerce Merchants

Walking the floor at the recent Merchant Risk Council (MRC) annual Las Vegas conference, I was struck by how often one particular topic kept coming up in my conversations with merchants across different verticals and sizes: refund fraud. Industry leaders and practitioners are seeing rampant refund abuse, representing a significant source of financ...

/identity /crime

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