Barley Laing

Barley Laing

UK Managing Director at Melissa
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Bio Barley's role is focused on ensuring clients meet their customer onboarding, data quality and compliance needs; including their ID, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements. He and his team at Melissa work with the likes of Bank of America, Creditsafe and MetaBank. Career History With 17 years of experience in the data industry, Barley was previously CEO at World Address, founded 2LT, and held senior management positions at: ADC; BT; Shell and Xerox.


Artificial Intelligence

How to prevent AI induced hallucinations

3 h

In the financial services sector the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) promises to, and in many cases already is, driving real-time business success. From enhancing data-driven insight and productivity, to improving fraud detection and customer experience. However, in the rush to adopt AI many haven’t taken into consideration ho...

Data Management and Governance

The damaging impact of poor quality data in the financial services sector

06 Jun 2024

It has been estimated by MITSloan that the cumulative cost of inaccurate data is 15 to 25 per cent of revenue for most organisations. This is because poor quality data wastes resources, undermines everyday operations and communications – particularly personalised customer communications. It causes inefficiencies in both time and money in the creat...


Data Management and Governance

Why those in financial services must spring clean their customer databases

22 Apr 2024

With the cost of living crisis continuing and slow economic growth forecast for the remainder of the year, these are challenging times for financial institutions looking to drive growth. This makes it vital to ensure account holders continue to receive a standout experience, to prevent customer churn and drive profitability. Equally important is ...

Digital Identity Management

Preventing fraud in a globalised world

02 Feb 2024

As migration increases and globalisation continues at pace, financial institutions around the world are having to review and verify a greater range of identification (ID) documents when onboarding customers than they traditionally would. This is backed up by research from the United Nations (UN) highlighting that nearly four per cent of the world’...