
News and resources on capital markets, exchanges, trade execution and post-trade settlement.

BNP Paribas forms partnership with Mistral AI
John Davies

John Davies

  As I replied on X, this is an excellent decision. I spent many years of my life at Paribas and then BNP Paribas leading FX trading and then global architecture. It's critical that EU AI like Mistral gets support from major institutions like BNPP. It's equally critical that banks make early moves to make use of AI and I think the innovation of Mistral will play a major role in moving BNP Paribas into the lead in AI.
Walmart introduces digital shelf labels to 2,300 stores
Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan

  @Jeremy Light +1. I was about to say the same thing!  Sure why not. I've seen gas stations in Germany making changes to prices of petrol, diesel, etc. several times a day. At the time, they had to climb a ladder to change the prices manually. They probably have Digital / Electronic Shelf Label technology now.
Walmart introduces digital shelf labels to 2,300 stores
Jeremy Light

Jeremy Light

  I expect this also could be used for dynamic pricing during the day, including surge pricing, to vary prices with demand and clear expiring items, to maximise revenue and profit.
The Market Analysis of Digital Payment Apps in India
Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan

  The #1 digital payments method in India, UPI, did around $2.2T in Total Payments Value (TPV) in 2023. Due to Reg ZeroMDR, banks who processed this TPV got zilch revenues.  Citation required for your claim "The digital payments market in India is estimated to be valued at $3 trillion in 2022". 
Sehrish Alikhan

Is the UK in a credit crisis?

Sehrish Alikhan - Reporter, Finextra