
News and resources on cyber and physical threats to banks and fintechs worldwide.

Níamh Curran

How to pick a 3-D Secure provider

Níamh Curran - Senior Reporter - Finextra
Banks in Singapore to phase out One-Time Passwords
A Finextra Member

A Finextra member

  The hardware is something we all have and own now.... If you dont have a smartphone then the bank probably doesnt want you as a customer.... thats what Post offices are for.  Biometrics work well these days! 
Banks in Singapore to phase out One-Time Passwords
Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan

  My first experience of Online Banking in Germany, Switzerland, and India in ca. 2000 involved hardware tokens. Then they all switched to OTP in ca. 2010. Now, 25 years later, they're going back to hardware tokens.  Reminds me of what Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr wrote, “plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose” or “the more things change, the more they stay the same.”
Banks in Singapore to phase out One-Time Passwords
A Finextra Member

A Finextra member

  $14.2M seems very small for an economy like Singapore - this is an anecdotal view - does anyone else have any comparable economies by fraud stats? 
UK payments group urges incoming Government to make Big Tech refund fraud victims
Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan

  As I pointed out in Why Don’t UPI / Zelle Provide Fraud Protection?, credit card had tons of friendly fraud, merchants complained, A2A RTP was introduced as a more merchant-friendly alternative method of payment. It's funny how people forget that and don't realize that, if A2A RTP provided the same level of fraud protection / potential for abuse as credit card, it will become as merchant-unfriendly as credit card as suffer from lack of merchant adoption.
Paul Kelly

How FSI companies can leverage AI to enhance cybersecurity

Paul Kelly - Director, Security Business Group, Microsoft
Hamish Monk

How to recover from a data breach

Hamish Monk - Writer - Finextra