Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Group founded 21 Jan 2020
Posts 89
Members 43
Group summary

This group is to share any information related to enterprise wide Blockchain technology adaption in different Banking Financial Services sub-domains.

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Phil Ashton

Making the transition to agile performance management

​Over the last 10 years, there has been a shift away from the outdated, annual performance review model, towards a new, flexible alternative – continuous, or agile performance management. ​This new ...

09 Apr 2024
Dmitri Gmyza

Soroban Smart Contracts and Their Impact on the Stellar Blockchain

The release of the smart contacts platform Soroban on the Stellar blockchain in February 2024 marked the most impactful upgrade in the network’s 10-year history. Stellar is a decentralized, public blo...

02 Apr 2024
Glendy Kam

Global Connectivity: Real-Time Finance's Impact on Cross-Border Transactions

Cross-border transactions have long functioned as the driving force for international investment and play a pivotal role in the global economy. As companies continue to expand their operations and eng...

14 Mar 2024
Glendy Kam

Smart Contracts and Automation: Unlocking Seamless Transactions

Organizations are actively searching for new channels to serve their partners and customers more efficiently, and smart contract technology is emerging as a leading tool to enhance business processes ...

12 Feb 2024
David Newns

Blockchain Technology: The Future of Finance or a Distant Dream?

Blockchain has emerged as a transformative force, promising to reshape the very foundations of capital markets. As we navigate through this era of unprecedented innovation, it becomes imperative to un...

22 Dec 2023
Ruth Chambers

Digital currency – a catalyst for digital asset adoption

I was thrilled to see the conversations at the recent Digital Asset Week in London shift from the narrative of the last few years, which was a heavy focus on a wide range of Proof of Concepts (POCs), ...

07 Dec 2023
Gilbert Verdian

Saving blockchain’s soul: Why digital asset innovation is no longer out of reach for SMEs

Blockchain technology has long been lauded for its promise of decentralisation, security, and scalability. But despite these lofty ideals, adoption has been slow. The complexity involved in implementi...

31 Jul 2023
Eugen Kuzin

Transforming International Transactions: How Blockchain Revolutionizes Cross-Border Payments

Industries worldwide are adopting advanced technological solutions to become more effective and keep up with the growing needs of their consumers, the payment industry being a perfect example of this ...

20 Jul 2023
Jamel Derdour

How the Payments Industry will Become a Part of Generative Text AI Technologies

Silicon Valley remains an innovation hub, changing business landscapes with new and exciting technology. Tech giants including Apple, Meta, Visa, and Cisco still operate out of the San Francisco area ...

15 May 2023
Mousser Rahmouni

How to Easily Embed Crypto Off-Ramp Features with a Single API?

How to Ramp Crypto and Easily Embed Crypto Off-Ramp Features with Striga's APIs In the world of finance, crypto off-ramp is a crucial feature that allows companies to unlock new revenue streams by p...

12 May 2023

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