Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Group founded 21 Jan 2020
Posts 89
Members 43
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This group is to share any information related to enterprise wide Blockchain technology adaption in different Banking Financial Services sub-domains.

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Eli Talmor

If You Are a CASP or Own Unhosted Crypto Wallet - You Should Read This!

Before we deep dive into the problem - let me introduce a few topics. About hosted crypto wallets A hosted wallet, also known as a custodial wallet, is a type of cryptocurrency wallet where the privat...

25 Apr 2023
Retired Member

Exploring the Benefits of Blockchain Technology in Fraud Detection and Prevention

In today’s digital landscape, there is a significant risk of data breaches, cyber thefts, and other such frauds. Digital transformation has enabled fraudsters to find new lines of attack and exploit v...

21 Apr 2023
Andrew Beatty

Can Banks Capitalize on Web3 Technologies?

The power and possibilities of Web3 represent a compelling opportunity for banks and financial services firms to consider. These emerging technologies are here to stay, and potentially transformationa...

20 Apr 2023
Nick Smart

Dark Web Markets: What's Next for Crypto Crime in 2023?

Though the general principles of financial crime remain largely the same, criminals and other bad actors continue to seek new ways raise, store, move, and spend digital assets. Having an idea of what ...

17 Apr 2023
Mousser Rahmouni

Issuing Crypto Cards through APIs: Understanding the Role of Card Issuing Providers

As the use of cryptocurrencies continues to grow, more and more companies are looking for ways to integrate them into their existing financial systems. One such solution is the issuance of crypto card...

13 Apr 2023
Mousser Rahmouni

SWIFT Alternatives and Crypto Remittance : Sending Money with Crypto

In recent years, blockchain and cryptocurrency have disrupted traditional financial systems and are providing a viable alternative to cross-border fund transfer systems such as SWIFT. Cryptocurrency r...

05 Apr 2023
Saurabh Singla

How Blockchain Technology will change the Cross Border Payments scenario

Blockchain technology has the potential to significantly change the way cross border payments are made. Currently, cross border payments can be slow and expensive, as they often involve multiple inter...

04 Jan 2023
Alisa Dicaprio

‘The DLT Down-Low with DiCaprio’: Interpreting 2022’s blockchain failures

Projects sometimes fail. But when there are lots of headline collapses in a short period, it’s time to look for patterns. Was it all hanky panky or was there a more legitimate reason for failure? In t...

27 Dec 2022
Nish Kotecha

Why the demise of FTX has to be a turning point

The recent and very public demise of cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, has once again dented wider faith and trust in the crypto world. Despite raising $400 million at the start of the year, rumours of F...

08 Dec 2022
Gilbert Verdian

A $250m blockchain blunder down under: What can we learn?

The last few weeks have not been good for the reputation of blockchain industry. The collapse of the crypto exchange, FTX, has put bad actors and the unregulated trading of cryptocurrency into the spo...

05 Dec 2022
Gilbert Verdian

The Merge: blockchain sheds its toxic reputation

Many businesses that would benefit from the blockchain have been avoiding it. Its carbon footprint, expense, and links to volatile cryptocurrencies contributed to blockchain harbouring a toxic reputat...

30 Sep 2022
Bertrand Chen

Disrupting centuries-old shipping practices unlocks a $3.4 trillion opportunity for banks

A crop of technology is fast emerging which is set to disrupt the multi-trillion trade finance market, and banks have a substantial opportunity to capitalize on it. Banks have always played a vital ro...

05 Sep 2022

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