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2024 (2)
Glendy Kam

Glendy Kam

Chief Product Officer at Tassat Group, Inc.
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Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Global Connectivity: Real-Time Finance's Impact on Cross-Border Transactions

14 Mar 2024

Cross-border transactions have long functioned as the driving force for international investment and play a pivotal role in the global economy. As companies continue to expand their operations and engage in international partnerships, the inefficiencies of legacy payments technology continue to pose significant challenges. According to a 2022 stud...

Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Smart Contracts and Automation: Unlocking Seamless Transactions

12 Feb 2024

Organizations are actively searching for new channels to serve their partners and customers more efficiently, and smart contract technology is emerging as a leading tool to enhance business processes through automation. In 2022, seventy percent of business leaders report piloting automation tools in one or more business units or functions, up from...