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Alex Kreger

The Future of Every Bank Depends on Digital Excellence

Customers demand seamless, intuitive, and personalized banking experiences, with 72% emphasizing personalization as “highly important,” and 77% of banking leaders agreeing it boosts retention. Yet, fi...

17 Jun 2024
Digital Banking
Alex Kreger

Banking on Failure: How Outdated Back Office Banking is Bleeding Profits and Trust

In an increasingly competitive banking industry, the focus is often on improving front office solutions: desktop and mobile banking applications. However, a critical, yet frequently overlooked aspect ...

10 Jun 2024
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Konrad Litwin

The Role of Modern Software Development in Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) Compliance

July 17 2024 marks six months to January 17 2025’s introduction of the Europe’s Digital Operational Response Act (DORA), which aims to improve digital resilience in 21 financial entity types and inclu...

06 Jun 2024
Information Security
Alex Kreger

Choose the Right Software Vendor for UX Excellence in Digital Banking

Software vendors are crucial. They provide digital solutions to help banks operate efficiently and meet customer expectations. However, while ready-to-use solutions offer speed and convenience, they o...

27 May 2024
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Alex Kreger

Is your digital banking service competitive on all 5 levels?

Distinguishing your financial services from competitors is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. Let's explore this concept deeply, showing how modern financial brands can create a significant edge ...

15 May 2024
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Harshita Soni

How to Customize MongoDB Collection Relationships for Your Node.js Server

In the field of databases, building effective and efficient data models requires a thorough understanding of storage connections. Building robust applications requires maintaining relationships betwe

02 May 2024
Bigger than Technology
Joris Lochy

Trade-offs Are Inevitable in Software Delivery - Remember the CAP Theorem

In the world of financial services, the integrity of data systems is fundamentally reliant on non-functional requirements (NFRs) such as reliability and security. Despite their importance, NFRs often ...

29 Apr 2024
Banking Architecture
Alex Kreger

Design Thinking in Banking for the Customer Experience Innovations

Enter design thinking—an approach that goes beyond mere products to delve deeply into customer experience, transforming everyday banking into an intuitive, engaging, and satisfying journey. How can ba...

22 Apr 2024
Digital Banking Trends
Delia Pedersoli

How Pay by Bank can supercharge in-store customer experience

Providing exceptional customer experience (CX) is paramount for success for any retailer in today’s difficult climate. As consumer behaviour shifts towards digital channels and convenience becomes inc...

27 Mar 2024
The Payments Business
Matt Ryan

Voting with your feet in a digital world!

It looks like 2024 will be ‘Democracy’s biggest year’, a 12-month period in which four billion people – over half of the world's population - will be eligible to vote. In more than 40 countries, rang...

29 Feb 2024
Marketing in Financial Services
Guy Melamed

Fusing Market Infrastructure Technology: Exploring The ‘Buy, Build And Integrate’ Approach

Change is afoot when it comes to market infrastructure technology. The old arguments over “buy vs build” have been relegated. Instead, firms are touting a “buy, build and integrate” approach, combinin...

08 Feb 2024
Capital Markets Technology
Santosh Radhakrishnan

No 5. The Challenges of Core Banking Replacement

As we highlighted in the Evolution of Banking, the technology landscape has evolved over time. Each change has brought new capabilities that were not possible with previous versions. At the same time,...

05 Feb 2024
Banking Architecture

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