Konrad Litwin

Konrad Litwin

Global General Manager - Testing at Perforce Software
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Information Security

The Role of Modern Software Development in Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) Compliance

06 Jun 2024

July 17 2024 marks six months to January 17 2025’s introduction of the Europe’s Digital Operational Response Act (DORA), which aims to improve digital resilience in 21 financial entity types and includes more stringent rules around ICT security and risks. With the scale of security risks and dependency on software systems only increasing, DORA’s i...


Struggling with compliance? Here’s how compliance-as-code (CaC) makes it easier to keep up with regu

21 Nov 2023

PCI DSS, GDPR, Sarbanes-Oxley, the EU Cybersecurity Strategy and Cybersecurity Act, the recently revised Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS2)… the list of regulations that apply to financial services organisations continues to grow, and complying with all of them continues to be a challenge. Apart from fines, non-compliance could lead ...

Digital Banking

Preparing For a Run: Ensuring Financial App Performance Quality During Unpredictable Circumstances

12 Jun 2023

When it comes to testing the performance of their applications, retailers have somewhat more of a predictable workload. They already know the busy times – Black Friday and the week before Christmas, for example. This makes capacity planning and software testing more straightforward. The financial sector, on the other hand, doesn’t have this luxu



Five things to know about test data when developing financial software

21 Apr 2022

With the advent of DevOps, testing plays more of a starring role in developing financial services software, but many still view it as an annoying bottleneck. Within that, the biggest bottleneck of all is locating quality test data (the information against which to carry out a test). Searching or waiting for someone to generate that information is ...