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Varun Maggon

Varun Maggon

Senior Business Consultant at CustomerXPs Software Pvt. Ltd.
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Bio Varun works in product management and pre-sales activities at CustomerXPs, a global company which specializes in real time, cross-channel financial crime prevention Career History He is 4 years young in the Fin-tech industry and has previously worked in Telecom and CPG domains. In his previous Fin-tech role, he has handled pre-sales and consulting assignments across the globe for a revenue management organization


Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis

Countering Remittance Frauds with an Enterprise-wide Fraud Management Approach

02 Apr 2018

Cybercrime continues to be an unending botheration for banks. While the focus of attempts and attacks until recently, tended to be on the banks’ customers (via card and account detail compromises), of late fraudsters have become more sophisticated and have raised the stakes. They have shifted their focus and are now directly targeting banks. They ...

Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis

Providing a Frictionless and Secure Customer Journey in PSD2

26 Sep 2017

European leaders have long identified that the future of the financial services lies in the co-existence of the conventional banks with emerging fintech. However, to reach to that stage, security of the customer data is the major challenge. Despite industry efforts, fraudulent transaction levels are on the rise in Europe. Payments Services Direct...