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Uma Pasupathy

Uma Pasupathy

Lead Consultant at Edgeverve
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Corona Times-Relief Measures that can be adopted-India Perspective

30 Mar 2020

The salaried class constitute a major part of the tax payers’ contribution. They are also likely to take a major hit owing to the lockdown. The associated cost would definitely leave a hole in the pocket and it would take months to get back on track. The government may take some time to announce relief with the focus right now on containing the sp...



Banking in Times of Corona - India Perspective

27 Mar 2020

The situation arising out of corona pandemic has hit all of us hard and reality has been thrust on us. While this situation is a first time experience for many of us, this has been an eye-opener to have a larger look at the way we operate. The footfalls as part of branch banking have diminished to a large extent and banks have asked customers to us...


Banking Exposure to kids

23 Sep 2019

Piggy banks were the earliest gifts which kids got as part of their first exposure towards handling money. Children were taught to manage expenses with the money available helping them to prioritize the money that they get. Millennials got further exposure to banking products as their parents arranged for educational loans. Also, banks understood...


Cyber Frauds

05 Oct 2018

Internet banking and its associated digital transformations have made lives easy for many who dreaded going to branches for carrying out regular banking transactions. Many tasks which were considered mundane were made easy with the clicks of a button. Both the bankers and the customers heaved a sigh of relief when technology helped in saving time ...