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Puneet Chhahira

Puneet Chhahira

Head of Marketing & FinTech Engagements at Infosys Finacle, EdgeVerve
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Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

2020: The banking business model changes faster

26 Jan 2020

2019 closed on a somber note, with banks' growth slowing down across most markets, even going below the GDP growth rate in some countries. Margins are also under pressure; one research estimates that the returns of nearly 60 percent of banks are lower than their cost of equity. While Europe retains the dubious distinction of being the worst perfor...


Fast followers are fast losers in the digital world of platform banking

04 Apr 2018

In the digital banking world, there are two clear pockets of influence – the really big incumbent banks and their digital-born challengers. The former have “presence” on their side – scale, customer base, reach etc. – while the latter group is all about setting market trends and leading innovation. On the other hand, the scores of small and medium...