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A Finextra Member

Private Sectors Might Be Asked To Comply With IR35 Rules

The government has taken steps to bring the private sector under the IR35 rules. The proposal is now in the consulting department and if it gets implemented, the businesses that are engaging the indiv...

30 Jun 2018
Financial Services Regulation
A Finextra Member

AI Can Bring A Revolution In The Auto Industry

There is a great transformation happening in the automotive industry and this is mainly due to the introduction of artificial intelligence. These days you can find driverless cars on the streets and r...

30 Jun 2018
Freddie McMahon

Corporate training cannot cope with the ever-widening knowledge gap

As the pace of change continues to accelerate faster and faster, it has become overwhelmingly clear that training is no longer fit for purpose, to address the ever-widening knowledge gap. This is not ...

30 Jun 2018
Fintech innovation and startups
Alex Bray

Outside-in - The Key to Customer Onboarding

The giants of ecommerce have brought about the most radical change in how the world works since the industrial revolution. Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Alphabet, PayPal, and so on have transformed the way...

29 Jun 2018
Trends in Financial Services
Ambrish Parmar

Are you a mortgage prisoner?

5 minutes to gain a different perspective. Are you happy with your mortgage deal? Probably not. I wasn’t either — until the other day. Imagine the scene… It went like this. I was sitting ...

29 Jun 2018
Digital Banking, Mortgages and Savings
Hakan Eroglu

Quo vadis PSD2 RTS? A view on EBA’s recent Opinion Paper on RTS implementation

In combination, the EU’s Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) – and the European Banking Authority’s (EBA’s) related Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) an...

28 Jun 2018
Open Banking
A Finextra Member

Joining the fray

It was always clear that Brexit was going to be an inherently complex undertaking that the industry must muddle through somehow. By now we’re all quite used to politicians of every stripe selling us t...

28 Jun 2018
Anne Plested

The hard reality of Brexit

Whichever type of Brexit you hope for, there remains the possibility of a UK withdrawal from the EU in March next year with no agreement in place, and no transition period. The European Banking Autho...

27 Jun 2018
A Finextra Member

Collaboration: The key to customer stickiness

Competition has long been heralded as key to driving economies and industries forward. When firms compete, it’s believed that consumers get the best possible prices, quantity, and quality of goods and...

27 Jun 2018
Breana Patel

Biometric Technology Will Help Eradicate Fraud In Banking

I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. S. Isaac Daniel, scientist, entrepreneur, founder and Chief Executive Officer, the pioneer and visionary force behind the Elite Influential Club (EIC), Isaac Dan...

26 Jun 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Sally Yates

2018 World Cup: if banks did automation like Kane does football

England footballer Harry Kane – the current lead scorer in the World Cup – has demonstrated that less is definitely more. With only 153 minutes of play time, Kane has scored 5 goals. That’s one goal f...

26 Jun 2018
Capital Markets Technology
Breana Patel

Risk Management : Are Crypto Exchanges Safe?

Jay Clayton SEC chairman mentioned in recent news that ICOs will be treated as securities. Crypto exchanges are being placed in increased scrutiny by the regulators. A good enterprise risk management ...

26 Jun 2018
Digital Asset Class (DAC)

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