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A Finextra Member

Banks need new revenue models

The traditional banking business model is no longer sustainable. Just as the ‘GAFA’ technology firms (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple) have set the standard for the sharing economy, so too banks need ...

17 Jul 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
A Finextra Member

Learning from start-ups: the good and the not so good

Innovation has become the new buzzword in the world of financial services. Today, the quest for innovation has become increasingly important as adopting a culture of innovation is often identified wit...

17 Jul 2018
Fintech innovation and startups
A Finextra Member

Ten Essential Psychology Concepts You Should Know to Design Financial Services

Currently, in the world of finance, there is a growing number of banks and Fintech services trying to compete by offering various solutions to their users─rich with features, functions and innovations...

17 Jul 2018
Jared Ronski

5 Tips to Streamline Ecommerce Payments and Improve Customer Experience at Checkout

Digital payments are on the rise, and if you’re an ecommerce merchant, you’ll want to capitalize on this growth. But as this sector continues to become more popular, payment processing systems have t...

16 Jul 2018
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Breana Patel

Challenges in Building Effective Risk Appetite

A Difficult Task, But a Necessary One The Challenges of Gauging Effective Risk Appetite Managing a bank’s risk appetite strategy is unique to each organization. Unlike some areas that are more clearly...

16 Jul 2018
Financial Services Regulation
Mark Jackson

How traditional players can close the gap on challenger banks

Earlier this year, Starling Bank and Monzo became the top two banks in terms of customer satisfaction in the UK, knocking incumbent First Direct from the number one spot[1]. Interestingly, this news c...

16 Jul 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Ketharaman Swaminathan

Beware Of Committing Harakiri By Lying With Big Data

I recently saw the following post on LinkedIn: “95% of banks in the study have created innovation labs.” This figure seemed extremely high to me. I did a quick-and-dirty survey of three banks in my ci...

16 Jul 2018
Sascha Cutura

Process Intelligence is crucial for the success of Business Process optimisation

Documenting operational processes can take a huge amount of effort at the outset and often businesses underestimate the on-going maintenance requirements. Those that don't try to map processes can nev...

16 Jul 2018
Business Knowledge for IT
Rune Sørensen

Why the Nordic Banks Outsource Card Processing

The Nordic countries constitute the most advanced and digitally ready payment market in Europe, and one of the most advanced in the world[1]. The penetration of card, contactless card and mobile paym...

16 Jul 2018
Innovation in Financial Services
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Corda Enterprise blockchain platform: unlocking new opportunities

Early this month R3 announced the launch of Corda Enterprise, a commercial version of its open-source Corda blockchain platform, which aims to help a wider range of business use blockchain in their se...

16 Jul 2018
Blockchain Observations
Breana Patel

The Big Bang of Fintech , Regtech and Suptech

Imagine a capital markets desk of a financial institution where a trader is about to press enter on the keyboard to initiate a market position when a message pops up on the computer screen from a regu...

16 Jul 2018
Financial Services Regulation
Bob Lyddon

Cyprus' banks reduce their Non-Performing Loans. See how it is done, and weep.

There was an lol for me today, thanks to an article in the Cyprus Business Mail announcing that Non-performing loans (“NPLs”) in the Cypriot banking system had fallen in March 2018 by almost €2.1bn to...

13 Jul 2018
SEPA and European Payments

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