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Lee Campbell

SaaS vs On-Premise and what that means for everyone involved

The approach to delivering large enterprise vendor software has traditionally been on-premise. In this particular method, the client would use in-house servers and infrastructure within the company ne...

23 Aug 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Henri Wajsblat

Mapping your journey to IFRS17 compliance

The International Financial Reporting Standard 17 standard (IFRS17) is not just another regulation – it will fundamentally change the way that insurers can and will operate around the world. At its co...

23 Aug 2018
Financial Services Regulation
A Finextra Member

The rise of SupTech: a win-win for financial market regulation

Over the past 10 years since the financial crisis, there has been a seismic shift in the regulatory landscape affecting all financial services firms. In order to avoid another meltdown, new rules and ...

22 Aug 2018
A Finextra Member

Private vs public blockchains: The race to innovate

The debate surrounding the use of blockchain in the financial services industry shows no sign of abating. New proof-of-concepts are launched daily, with leading firms in the marketplace working on rea...

22 Aug 2018
Blockchain Observations
Jeremy Thomson-Cook

Innovation in payments: Where to next?

The payments industry has arguably been the focus of equally significant amounts of investment and speculation over the last few years. Even just a few years back, most people’s experiences of sending...

22 Aug 2018
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Central Banks apathy for blockchain is waning

Early 2017 I wrote a blog on Central Banks and blockchain (see: Blockchain and Central banks: a Tour de Table Part I and II, 3 and 9 January 2017). My conclusion at that time was: “It has become clear...

21 Aug 2018
Blockchain Observations
A Finextra Member

Throwing money at cyber security solutions is a false economy

Recent research has found that the financial services industry is the sector most heavily investing in cybersecurity solutions, increasing investment 85% compared to last year. With daily headlines ...

21 Aug 2018
Information Security
A Finextra Member

ICOs vs. IPOs : What you need to know before investing

ICOs vs. IPOs : What you need to know before investing By Aaron Wagener, COO, MXC Foundation Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) have the potential to become a powerful means for start-ups to amass capita...

20 Aug 2018
A Finextra Member


In the last few years, the government in the USA has very seriously considered stopping the need for listed companies to report their results on a quarterly basis. In the recent elections, Ms Hillary ...

20 Aug 2018
Breana Patel

Why do Customer Identification Programs Fail in AML?

How CIPs Fail to Uphold AML and BSA Customer Identification Programs (CIPs) were put in place to reduce identity fraud for individuals and banks, but these programs fall short in complying to various ...

20 Aug 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
A Finextra Member

How can a Star Wars fan help make banking of the future better?

I am a father of a six-year old kid. He is in preschool and he has been learning English for a year now. He has been exposed to different content in English since he was two and he can understand it ...

19 Aug 2018
Innovation in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

Prevent Hacking: Needed Data Security Framework For HealthCare

Healthcare Industry continues to be a lucrative market for hackers. From 2017 to 2018, a large number of personal data frauds have been reported in the U.S. that highlights the imminent danger that t

19 Aug 2018
Data Protection Act Issues

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