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A Finextra Member

Top 5 App Marketing Tips

Once upon a time, in the distant past (let’s say about 10 years ago) you went to an app developer with an idea for an app. You developed the app, submitted it to the app store and that was the end of ...

24 Oct 2018
Daniel Scott

Explaining Bitcoin and Blockchain

Bitcoin and Blockchain - I’m sure most people have heard of both over the last few years, but many are still not quite sure what these are. A little reminiscent of the ‘Internet’, ‘The Cloud’ or even...

24 Oct 2018
A Finextra Member

Learning from the UK open banking experience

The UK’s retail banks have been broadly ready for open banking since the start of the year. Let's look at what we have learnt so far. The UK is probably the most advanced country in Europe when it co...

24 Oct 2018
Open Banking
Martin Kisby

Don’t be weak in spotting vulnerability

Is the answer to how best to define a vulnerable consumer really as simple as quoting the FCA’s definition? “A vulnerable consumer is someone who, due to their personal circumstances, is especially su...

24 Oct 2018
Financial Services Regulation
Raz Rafaeli

Why Mobile-Based Password-Free Authentication is the Future for Finance

If today’s fintech sphere relies on one thing, it would be smooth and unfettered digital access. The fast pace of financial transactions and commercial activity means financial institutions need to gi...

24 Oct 2018
Fintech innovation and startups
Anna Kuzmina

Russian fintech miracle : Payment kiosk

Once upon a time in cold Russia of 2000 something important happened. A new payment system was born. It would soon dominate the whole country, become part of daily life of every single Russian, and s...

24 Oct 2018
A Finextra Member

Monetising the UK’s new Request to Pay service

Having just attended the Pay.UK (formerly known as New Payment System Operator (NPSO)) progress update event, there seems to be a good amount of excitement, anticipation and intrigue around the launch...

23 Oct 2018
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Robert Siciliano

Should You Use Facebook to Login to Websites?

Have you ever used Facebook to sign onto another site? Many of us do this pretty blindly simply because it is very convenient. But, this convenience could come at a cost. You know the drill. You go t...

23 Oct 2018
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Ripple Report says Blockchain is reaching critical mass in global payments

Recently Ripple launched its “Blockchain in Payments Report 2018”. Main finding of this Report was that global payments based on this technology is reaching critical mass this year. And on top of tha...

23 Oct 2018
Blockchain Observations
Naresh Kurup

Enriching the Journey Ahead With Exceptional Customer Lifecycle Management

(Concluding part of the 2-part blog on improving customer lifecycle management in banks) ‘Well begun is half done’ – Aristotle In the previous blog, we saw how financial institutions can initiate a ...

23 Oct 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Brendan Jones

The Implications and Requirements of PSD2 open banking for Programme Managers

In a recent dialogue with the EBA, they stated about PSD2 open banking regulations that: “Ignorance of them can of course not be used to justify non-compliance”. Further adding: “Non-compliance amou...

23 Oct 2018
Open Banking
Naresh Kurup

De-risking Customer Onboarding with Cross-channel, Real-time CDD

(First in the two-part series on improving customer lifecycle management in banks) A 1000-mile journey begins with a single step’ – ancient Chinese adage In today’s intensely competitive environment...

23 Oct 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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