Naresh's blog archive

2018 (8)
Naresh Kurup

Naresh Kurup

Director - Marketing at CustomerXPs
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Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Enriching the Journey Ahead With Exceptional Customer Lifecycle Management

23 Oct 2018

(Concluding part of the 2-part blog on improving customer lifecycle management in banks) ‘Well begun is half done’ – Aristotle In the previous blog, we saw how financial institutions can initiate a streamlined CDD-led customer onboarding experience. Let us now look at what does it take to manage what lies ahead. By thinking more strategically abo...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

De-risking Customer Onboarding with Cross-channel, Real-time CDD

23 Oct 2018

(First in the two-part series on improving customer lifecycle management in banks) A 1000-mile journey begins with a single step’ – ancient Chinese adage In today’s intensely competitive environment, banks are faced with the challenge of maximizing revenue, reducing attrition, and maintaining customer relationships. This means implementing a holi...

Fintech innovation and startups

Digital Disruption: How Fintech is Pushing Banks to Change

30 May 2018

Fintech has brought unprecedented disruption in the financial services ecosystem. While traditionally, fintech was used for back office functions by leveraging software to help banks manage customer databases, execute transactions and handle accounts, today it has DIY modes where customers rely less on a brick and mortar bank for their banking nee...

Digital Banking Trends

AI-powered Gen-centric Banking

19 Feb 2018

With increasing diversity in the banking customers’ age groups, needs, values, priorities and perspectives, banks interact with several ‘generations’ of customers. Multigeneration banking evolved from the need for providing personalized and unique experiences to a variety of customer segments. Changing demographics, incomes, attitudes and behavi