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Sadra Boutorabi

How 3D Secure adoption in the US is about to change

3-Domain Secure was created in its first iteration (3DS1) over 15 years ago. The goals were relatively simple, as there were few standards to build upon at the time. Even though there was a mounting c...

09 Apr 2019
Trends in Financial Services
Sadra Boutorabi

Top 8 Payment Authentication Tools for 2019

The internet and mobile economy have been going through a boom in the last few years. As a result, the online identity authentication industry is growing and evolving quickly. Effective identity verif...

15 Jan 2019
Sadra Boutorabi

PCI Compliance and 3D Secure 2

Serious efforts have been made to combat against the ever-increasing levels of CNP (card-not-present fraud), which has jumped to record levels (around $14.2 billion annually) in recent years. Anyone ...

02 May 2018
Standards Forum
Sadra Boutorabi

Why Biometric Identification is the Future for Online Payment Authorisation

Thanks to the increase in mobile technology and online shopping in recent years, the need for simple and secure online payment methods has become an important issue. With our newfound freedom of bei...

22 Mar 2018
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Sadra Boutorabi

3D Secure 2.0 and PSD2, live together in perfect harmony

What is PSD2? PSD2 is the second iteration of ‘Payment Services Directive’ (PSD), a European Union (EU) directive first introduced in 2007 to regulate payment services and payment service providers (P...

23 Aug 2017
Online Banking
Sadra Boutorabi

Why W3C Web Payment Standardisation Won’t Be The 3D Secure Killer

The online payments landscape is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Global retail eCommerce transaction volumes for products and services reached US$1.9 trillion in 2016 and are estim...

08 Aug 2017
Innovation in Financial Services

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