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Keith Stonell

GDPR - and the importance of insurance customer trust.

GDPR implementation is now weeks away. The impact that GDPR will have on the insurance industry has been well documented. Indeed, I’ve previously commented on it here. Some of the concerns that have

09 May 2018
Data Protection Act Issues
Keith Stonell

Come the data revolution: predictive analytics and the future of insurance

Can predictive analytics forecast if predictive analytics will transform the insurance industry? If you were to ask someone ten years ago, you might have thought ‘yeah right.’ But in the last few yea...

09 Feb 2018
Digital Insurance Trends
Keith Stonell

2018: The Year Insurtech and Data Analytics Pay Their Way

As the new year gets into its stride, I can see the insurance industry heading in some exciting directions. The starting point is how the last twelve or more months have witnessed Insurtech and Dat

08 Jan 2018
Keith Stonell

Insurtech and Bots in 2018: Should insurers dream of electric sheep?

The movie Blade Runner (and the novel it is based on, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?) depicts a future world where artificial intelligence is taking over. It is a striking dystopia where robots ...

08 Dec 2017
Fintech innovation and startups
Keith Stonell

Will GDPR hinder KYC for Insurers?

GDPR. These letters are increasingly visible in the media. When it comes into force on 25th May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will apply to all EU member states, including the ...

30 Oct 2017
Data Protection Act Issues
Keith Stonell

Rise of Financial Services Insurtech Mirrors Medieval Peasants' Lives

Historians use eras to help map out the big gearshifts in economic and social change in retrospect. For the people who lived during those periods, well-known historical terms like the Middle Ages woul...

08 Sep 2017
Keith Stonell

Digitalisation, not Brexit, London Market's biggest challenge

Next year is the fortieth anniversary of when Lloyd’s decided to make a dramatic, concrete and steel statement about its past and future. 1978 was the year work started on Richard Rogers’ Lloyd’s Bui...

07 Aug 2017
Innovation in Financial Services
Keith Stonell

Insurers: Be Brave and Creative

I recently hosted our annual European customer conference, focussing on thought leadership, emerging technology trends and Insurtech innovation. We talked a great deal about the major trends in insura...

05 Jun 2017
Keith Stonell

Generation uninsured: what are the challenges and opportunities for the insurance industry?

The UK is becoming a country of renters rather than home-owners according to a recent government whitepaper. The proportion of people living in the private rented sector has doubled since 2000 and j...

31 Mar 2017
Trends in Financial Services
Keith Stonell

Everybody’s talking Blockchain. What does it promise for Insurance?

There is a huge amount of buzz around blockchain and many explanations out there for what it is, and its likely benefits for financial services, especially banking and finance. A blockchain, according...

09 Jan 2017
Keith Stonell

Connected car insurance: the real Italian Job

Where in the world are you most likely to find a connected car? Los Angeles? London? Rome? Most people would think that Silicon Valley, home of Google self-driving cars and Tesla with its (controversi...

18 Oct 2016
Keith Stonell

Predictive insurance plus machine learning is no dream

Why can’t the insurance business be more like Netflix? Or Tripadvisor or In my opinion, the transformation of insurance services and products by digitalisation will be nothing short of mi...

18 Aug 2016

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