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Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Ripple is making blockchain waves

Almost a year ago I wrote my blog “Blockchain and the Ripple effect: did it Ripple?”. Now twelve months later we may conclude it did. And even more than that. Ripple is making many waves. A lot happen...

27 Feb 2018
A Finextra Member


In 2008 the hubris of the financial sector that we serve finally caught up with itself. Mountains of consumer debt that had been packaged, re-sold and deferred turned out to be unserviceable and the ...

27 Feb 2018
Operational Risk Management
Jeremy Light

Payment Trends for 2018 Part 2 - Growing Trends

My blog last week covered New Payment Trends that I expect to become established this year. This week I focus on Growing Payment trends, those that are already evident and likely to strengthen in 2018...

26 Feb 2018
Trends in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

The art of interpretation: Regtech and intrinsic complexity

The statistics are dizzying: around 170 jurisdictions, 750 regulators, millions of pages of rules and regulations, one revised every seven seconds. It is no wonder that those charged with keeping thei...

26 Feb 2018
A Finextra Member

SFTR: The need for accelerated change

Over recent months as some large regulatory deadlines have been met, one of the ‘long grass’ regulations has come into sharper focus given the intensive efforts that will be required to meet the deadl...

26 Feb 2018
Priya Lakshmi

Un-’block’ your business 1.0: Which blockchain initiatives are taking off first and why?

I was recently asked out to fill out a questionnaire on blockchain trends and one of the question was to rank the top 3 reasons / challenges we are seeing to blockchain adoption in mainstream and the ...

26 Feb 2018
Innovation in Financial Services
Robert Siciliano

Understanding and Stopping Criminal Identity Theft

The definition of criminal identity theft is a crime where the criminal impersonates the victim in order to protect their innocence. This can lead to victims getting fines or even getting arrested and...

23 Feb 2018
Ben Marsh

Financial Regulation: Ten Years of Toil and a Month of MiFID II

In the past decade an unequalled amount of regulatory reform has taken place internationally across the financial services industry; a journey that has not been for the faint-hearted or those lacking ...

23 Feb 2018
Anthony Pickup

What is next for ATMs as retail payment technologies evolve?

I was asked recently to predict the future for ATMs (Auto Teller Machines) and the services they will provide. I approached this by looking back at what has driven the development of the ATM hardware ...

23 Feb 2018
Futuristic Banking
A Finextra Member

Market Volatility...? He who dares wins Rodney!

Over the past few weeks we have seen the global markets go wild and despite the fact that everything appears to have calmed down, one has to wonder, what’s coming next? What was particularly disturbin...

23 Feb 2018
Hedge Fund Technology
Freddie McMahon

Complex Knowledge two more examples to why it matters

In the UK, there were two public disclosures within a 24-hour period, which provided more examples that Complex Knowledge in a documented form is no longer fit and is the causality of deeply rooted sy...

23 Feb 2018
Fintech innovation and startups
A Finextra Member

We’re about to find out what happens when Socialism meets crypto

Petro, Venezuela: Who knows what will happen. President Nicolas Maduro, the socialist autocrat who managed to take Venezuela from a prosperous democracy to a nation on the brink of collapse, launched ...

23 Feb 2018

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