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Pooja Golakonda

Artificial Intelligence in its adoloscence

Quoting Babak Hodjat words “A lot of what AI is being used for today only scratches the surface of what can be done. It will become so ubiquitous that we won’t even call it AI anymore.” For the Nextge...

30 Mar 2018
Freddie McMahon

Chatbots a new way of thinking. Are lawyers complicit in undermining GDPR?

Since the beginning of online services, lawyers have been the major influence upon the customer consent process. Their preferred instrument is to produce dense content, such as terms and conditions, c...

30 Mar 2018
Fintech innovation and startups
A Finextra Member

Will Tesla manage to stay ahead?

Tesla took a knock this week, with drops in stock and bond prices. The company’s bonds were downgraded on Tuesday to B3 (very high credit risk) and it’s been put on negative watch by Moody’s. It’s pr...

30 Mar 2018
A Finextra Member

Artificial Intelligence - Man Vs Machine

Human civilization has come a long way since the times of using Stone Age and Iron Age implements for hunting, agriculture, mobility and in general, for addressing all aspects of human existence . The...

29 Mar 2018
A Finextra Member

Blockchain and possible impact on currency handling

Blockchain as the name implies refers to forming a chain of blocks with each block consisting of multiple records. These records could be bank transactions, population details, weather data and so on....

29 Mar 2018
Victor Martin

Augmented Analytics: The Future of Business Intelligence

The ever-increasing amount of data makes data analytics and an important constituent of business development. To beat the competition in business, you need to stay abreast with the changes in business...

29 Mar 2018
Business Knowledge for IT
A Finextra Member

Real-Time Forensics: Effective Strategies to Combat Payments Fraud

The wave of payments fraud that continues to sweep the globe shows no signs of receding, leaving the financial services community anxiously in search of reliable ways to stay one step ahead. Just as p...

28 Mar 2018
Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis
A Finextra Member

A Summary from Singapore: Takeaways from the First Money 2020 Asia

By Lina Andolf-Orup, Global Product Marketing Manager at Fingerprints As something of a Money 20/20 series veteran, having attended the Europe and Vegas editions several times, it was with great curio...

27 Mar 2018
A Finextra Member

Biometric Payment Cards - Where are we now?

By Lina Andolf-Orup, Global Product Marketing Manager at Fingerprints Biometric smart cards are emerging as the next innovation in payment cards. According to ABI Research the payment card is here t

27 Mar 2018
A Finextra Member

Bracing for Brexit

There are very few things we can be certain of in regard to Brexit, other than the fact that it won’t be concluded in 2018. It would be premature, though, to dismiss Brexit as topic solely for the pol...

27 Mar 2018
Banking Regulations
Marten Nelson

Arrested development? What banks don’t get about the API economy

The open banking ecosystem can learn a lot from the smartphone operating system (OS) market. In particular, banks that are developing APIs in a bid to control the new ecosystem should ask themselves t...

26 Mar 2018
Digital Banking Trends
A Finextra Member

Ethical innovation in AI: Why is it so elusive?

Do you remember the sensation around the launch of Microsoft’s chatbot, Tay? It was an exciting breakthrough in AI and people across the globe were logging on to chat with Tay and test her knowledge. ...

26 Mar 2018
Innovation in Financial Services

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