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A Finextra Member

no principles

I suspect the memorable phrase coined today by Hector Sants, CEO of the Financial Services Authority, will long be remembered as a turning point in the debate about regulatory structure. He said "...

12 Mar 2009
Innovation in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

Giant ponzi scheme uncovered

In the wake of the alleged $50bn Madoff and $8bn Stanford ponzi schemes, I have to announce that I have uncovered one that’s a tad larger. A ponzi scheme is defined as one where current withdrawals ar...

12 Mar 2009
A Finextra Member

NFC Just Doesn't Mean Convenience For Consumers

Perhaps the lack of popularity of NFC is due to excessive assumptions regarding NFC and the absence of real benefits overall. The assumption in the article that other methods require more expertise on...

12 Mar 2009
Innovation in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

OTC automation: Not a bridge too far

Improving post-trade processing capabilities is imperative when more than 50 per cent of a client’s workload can be spent dealing with terminations, novations and amendments – let alone getting in pla...

11 Mar 2009
Trends in Financial Services
Robert Siciliano

Recession Turns IT Workers Into Hackers

What a nasty headline for an article. From the journalist roasts IT professionals on a spit. And the comments were all inspiring. As the recession rears its ugly head, disgruntled ex empl

11 Mar 2009
A Finextra Member

Restoration of Trust

For those of you who didn't sit in on Cohn & Wolfe's recent gathering to discuss the state of (dis)trust in financial institutions, I'll give you a quick rundown of their conclusions, which won't ...

10 Mar 2009
A Finextra Member

Stimulus To The Heart - Boss writes to employees

This is good. It was sent to me by a close friend. It has been around a little but given the US employment figures is so true and such a WAKE UP call to Brown, Obama, Rudd and so many other world lead...

10 Mar 2009
Finance 2.0
A Finextra Member

Barclays and Orange Team Up For Some Cheap Spin

Hardly mobile transactions. No different than sticking a chip to your shoe and waving your number 10's at the reader. While it is nice cheap spin it really isn't mobile, you need a reader plugged in s...

10 Mar 2009
Innovation in Financial Services
Robert Siciliano

Neighbor Identity Thieves From Hell

I have neighbors from hell. They do everything possible to make my life miserable. And the more I talk about my awful neighbors, I find out that everyone has a neighbor they cant stand. Its everywher

09 Mar 2009
A Finextra Member

University with a difference

If you want to delve into the technology of the future, Singularity University may just be the place for you. Backed by Google and Nasa, the school is headed by Ray Kurzweil, an inventor / scientist

09 Mar 2009
Women in Technology
A Finextra Member

Where were the shareholders?

Who’s to blame for the destruction of bank shareholder equity? Those nasty bankers, with their eye-watering bonus plans? The regulators, who didn’t spot the bubble when it was blocking out the whole s...

09 Mar 2009
Bo Harald

Standard feature in any e-bank..

By now it should be clear that any e-bank for consumers should receive e-invoices for one-click approval. Before that the service is just a typewriter - to fill in lots of details and lenghty referen...

08 Mar 2009
Transaction Banking

Now hiring