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A Finextra Member

Flexing to keep-up: drivers, enablers and key success factors

"Empowering your people" Enabling change is dependent on culture. People make culture. Shift to business agility is about changing the overall culture. The real change will be in the way act...

07 Jun 2018
Trends in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

Flexing to keep-up: starting with Self-awareness

Organisations are increasingly aspiring to an ideal future state with a settled brand, a critical size, a robust customer network, strong assets, and a geographically replicable business model. But w...

07 Jun 2018
Innovation in Financial Services
Steve Mulhearn

The Risks of Shadow IT at Financial Services Firms

Businesses across all verticals are dealing with the fallout from shadow IT, whether they realise it or not. Shadow IT refers to technology which is brought into an organisation by individual employee...

07 Jun 2018
Business Knowledge for IT
Raj Chaudhary

Banks and Fintech

Introduction 25 years back, Mr. Bill Gates dismissed banks as "Dinosaurs”. Mr. Gates could see the future as it holds true to the current scenario. Its 2018. But has banks became oblivion? I beli...

07 Jun 2018
Breana Patel

What Are The Main Responsibilities Of a Board In Corporate Risk Management

When it comes to Corporate Risk Management and Governance, a company’s Board of Directors will play a vital and pivotal role for the effective governance of its bank. This isn’t always easy to underst...

06 Jun 2018
Trends in Financial Services
Romal Almazo


WHY MANY ICOs ARE A WASTE OF TIME In Part I of this paper I discuss why you need to exercise caution when assessing whether to invest in an initial coin offering (ICO). In Part II, I will provide yo...

06 Jun 2018
Innovation in Financial Services
Bob Lyddon

Visa outage in Europe: letter to Charlotte Hogg from the UK's Treasury Select Committee

This letter is now public on the website, under /documents/commons-committees/treasury/Correspondence/2017-19/ This file name is visa-charlotte-hogg-040618.pdf Some tough questions t...

06 Jun 2018
Transaction Banking
Ketharaman Swaminathan

How Blockchain Can Crack The Holy Grail Of Loyalty Programs

Loyalty programs give reward points to consumers for making purchases and let consumers redeem their reward points for gifts. By their very nature, reward points look like an alt-coin and quack like a...

05 Jun 2018
A Finextra Member

Treating Your Customers Like Criminals: A Zero-Trust Security Model

Back in the day, if you heard the phrase “trust no one,” it meant either you were talking to someone with problematic levels of paranoia or you were at a theatre watching a really cliche spy movie. No...

05 Jun 2018
A Finextra Member

Beyond GDPR Implementation Day: 3 Important Compliance Goals

Financial services firms around the world have been working hard to hit today’s compliance deadline for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For many investment management firms, there was p...

05 Jun 2018
A Finextra Member

New FCA Credit Guidelines Boost Fintechs

On May 31st, the FCA published their much anticipated consultations on High-cost Credit (CP18/12) and on Overdrafts (CP18/13). Covering rent-to-own, catalogue credit, store cards, home-collected

05 Jun 2018
Bob Lyddon

Virtual Accounts and On behalf of payments raise major AML issues

We have issued another call to Wolfsberg Group, this time to make major changes to the section in their Payment Transparency Standards 2017 on “On behalf of” payments, and the related Virtual Accounts...

05 Jun 2018
SEPA and European Payments

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