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Maxim Pertl

GDACS Consortium: Enhanced transparency in the Digital Asset Class is the key to joint success

Reflecting on recent capital markets events, meetings and discussions in London, New York, Frankfurt, Paris, Zurich - almost everybody immediately understood the value created by standardization for t...

02 Oct 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
A Finextra Member

The mainframe evolution: Banking still needs workhorse tech

In the financial services industry, where IT systems are high-volume and mission-critical, news of Big Iron’s ‘big crisis’ is greatly exaggerated, at least for now. It’s true that in today’s digital f...

02 Oct 2018
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Red Belly Blockchain: solving the scalability issue?

In an earlier blog (“Blockchain is looking for Scale: a Balancing Act, Part I + II, 18 June 2018) I showed how the blockchain world was trying to solve the scalability issue. There I concluded tha...

02 Oct 2018
Blockchain Observations
Ketharaman Swaminathan

Upside Of Brexit For IT Industry

When my employer posted me to Germany in the early 2000s to open its subsidiary for the so-called D-A-CH (German speaking) market of Europe, we had no reference customer in Germany. When prospects wou...

02 Oct 2018
Ambrish Parmar

Open Banking - Human Insights

Time to read: 5 minutes to gain a different perspective // Open Banking: A Rebel Without a Cause? // There is a heretic in our midst… : : Is Open Banking trying to address a problem that does not exi...

02 Oct 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Ahmed Khidhir

Bespoke Digital Banking: the power of Big Data and Predictive Analytics

As consumer expectations towards digital user experience are increasing, more and more banks are striving to provide great customer experience on their digital banking channels – online, mobile, and t...

01 Oct 2018
Digital Banking Trends
A Finextra Member

Most of us think we know what an API is but cannot seem to agree on what an API should be

The general consensus amongst API providers is that we should build reusable APIs, but consumers want more - they want an API that gives them everything they need. These tactics challenge one another

30 Sep 2018
A Finextra Member

Facebook Security Breach Exposes Accounts of 50 Million Users

Facebook Security Breach Exposes Accounts of 50 Million Users Wil...

29 Sep 2018
Shailendra Malik

All AI initiatives have an underlying data story

We’re all going overboard with the AI boom and the hype cycle. Problem with all hype cycles is that when we’re at peak the horizon looks beautiful and when the slide begins the avalanches tear apart e...

29 Sep 2018
Fintech innovation and startups
A Finextra Member

Quantum: how might it benefit Financial Services?

OK, so here's the opening admission. I don't 'get' Quantum, yet. It's one of those fundamentals in physics which is hard to grasp beyond the basic, two concurrent states in one space/time. I guess I a...

28 Sep 2018
Reghunathan Sukumara Pillai

Whether mergers of public sector banks will solve the banking crisis in India ?

The nationalization of Banks in 1969 paved the way for growth of banking business in the country with improvement in economy. Banking was perceived as a lucrative white collar job with security and re...

27 Sep 2018
Banking Regulations
René Haeberlin

Enriching customer relationships in financial services: the role of automation

Since every major step forward in process efficiencies, in any industry, entails a moral consideration, it's no surprise that there may be some hesitation around its adoption in the financial services...

27 Sep 2018
Innovation in Financial Services

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