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Paul Dignan

Are we safe to bank on biometrics?

For financial institutions, the primary goal of digitisation is making banking simpler and more intuitive for customers. Biometric identification has huge potential, offering convenience, simplifying ...

08 Sep 2017
Information Security
Richard Miller

In search of the rarest of breeds...a Data Scientist for your AI Project

The position of Data Scientist is rapidly becoming a highly desired role as financial institutions consider how to implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) projects within thei...

08 Sep 2017
Keith Stonell

Rise of Financial Services Insurtech Mirrors Medieval Peasants' Lives

Historians use eras to help map out the big gearshifts in economic and social change in retrospect. For the people who lived during those periods, well-known historical terms like the Middle Ages woul...

08 Sep 2017
Freddie McMahon


We are well versed in Multichannel for customer engagement. Now Omichannel has emerged. But, what is it and why does it really matter? Omnichannel means engaging customers across all touchpoints, whet...

08 Sep 2017
Futuristic Banking
Balazs Fejes

Sci-Fi Realities: Embracing Quantum Computing’s Imminent Role

Something that was once considered science fiction is becoming a reality and, in turn, a monumental technology disruption. It’s no surprise that as the amount of data processed, analyzed and stored in...

07 Sep 2017
Innovation in Financial Services
Nanda Kumar

High stakes: become a true value aggregator or lose your market share

The top twenty European banks manage a combined total set of assets worth £18.26 trillion, with HSBC leading the charge at £1.84 trillion. This is a vast amount of money for only twenty companies. Tr...

07 Sep 2017
Digital Banking Trends
A Finextra Member

Hologram of Brand Ambassador Celebrity can be deployed in Customer Service in Banks

In near future when u visit a Bank Branch or Shopping Mall or Airport / Bus Service. We may be welcomed by a Virtual Front Office Service Assistant through Hologram Technology. Hologrom technology is ...

07 Sep 2017
A Finextra Member

Tap-and-go: Contactless cards reach 10

This September marks ten years since contactless cards were first introduced in the UK. Since 2007, contactless has represented a faster and more convenient way to pay. It has enhanced the consumer ch...

06 Sep 2017
A Finextra Member

Using Fingerprints to Bank the Unbanked

Our identity proves more than just who we are – it is also our key to obtain access to financial services, government benefit programs, healthcare, and other services. Access to these services are cru...

06 Sep 2017
A Finextra Member

Open banking and the legal right to be forgotten

Open banking rests on enabling customers to give consent and control to a third-party relationship involving their data and transactions. This ability to help the customer manage this relationship is ...

05 Sep 2017
Trends in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

Blockchain in Action : Round-up of blockchain stories from Aug 2017

Last month, I had published a post here on FinExtra titled Blockchain in Action : Round-up of blockchain stories from July 2017 . A month down the lane, I was curious to look at recent developments i...

05 Sep 2017
Shyam Khandelwal

Do banks really know their customers ?

Background The other day I was shopping on Amazon and Flipkart online. I chose a mobile to buy and on the same page, another section came up which had information displayed for a mobile cover and a sc...

05 Sep 2017
Futuristic Banking

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