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Michael Kerman

Eight Reasons Why Search Engines Are Not Due Diligence

Search engines are free, easy to use and powerful. Could you use them to run a KYC/AML screening program? You could - but in the end, it will expose you to significantly more cost and risk than opting...

12 Oct 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Ambrish Parmar

250,000 reasons to say thank you

Dear community members, 250,000 reasons to say thank you. The Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation community group has passed the 250,000 readership mark within 3 months. ~ 50 posts // over 25...

12 Oct 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
René Haeberlin

Mobile innovation: The new battleground for financial services differentiation

A simple truth Today’s millennial banking customers (born between 1980 and 1996) are masters of the smartphone; accustomed to running their lives, and certainly their money matters, on the go. Throug

12 Oct 2018
Millennial Banking
Jason Bell

GDPR, now that was a day to remember

May 25 May 25 2018 saw the official birth of GDPR. It will long be remembered as the day from which organisations handling or processing personal data belonging to EU citizens became accountable, fine...

12 Oct 2018
Digital Banking Trends
A Finextra Member

Biometric Payments - creepy or convenient?

Biometric payments are a way to verify identity, stop fraud and make payments frictionless. However, there are still many consumers that fail to get behind biometrics due to the personal nature of bio...

12 Oct 2018
Ketharaman Swaminathan

Will You, Won't You, Will You, Won't You Get Your Blockchain App?

A newly started electronic brokerage gave free eTrading accounts to all employees of the company in which I was working in circa 2000. I signed up for one immediately. Since then, I've done all my sto...

12 Oct 2018
Andrew Beatty

The Tortoise and the Hare: Part Two: The Branch Needs to Get Smart

In the Tortoise and the Hare Part One, I talked about getting faster, moving channels, and working with slower-changing core banking systems. However within our channels there is a similar race where ...

11 Oct 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Freddie McMahon

A Paradigm Shift in the Making

Conversation-as-a-Service is a business model involving a blended approach of people and chatbots delivering dialogue for personalised interaction and orchestrating services in context to the granular...

11 Oct 2018
A Finextra Member

Wall Street Bot. What is algorithmic cryptocurrency trading?

The industry around digital money not only transforms the markets we are used to, but also quickly adopts their technological achievements. Borrowing went for innovative solutions used in exchange tra...

11 Oct 2018
Finance 2.0
Robert Siciliano

Do Not take that Stupid Facebook Quiz

Where should you live in the world? What Game of Thrones family are you in? What is the food that best describes your personality? All of these answers are given and found by doing quizzes on Facebook...

11 Oct 2018
Marcus Bateman

Will every UK financial institution receiving payments require its own Sort Code by July 2019?

[Update 29th October 2018 - I have been asked to clarify that phase 2 of Confirmation of Payee (CoP) will include support for individual collection accounts for financial institutions without the nee

11 Oct 2018
Open Banking
John Doxaras

Financial regulators as fintech catalysts

Fintech companies are struggling with the friction of compliance, while at the same time they try to deal with risk-averse regulatory bodies in every part of the world. Practically all* fintech series...

10 Oct 2018

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