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A Finextra Member

Hidden data heroes: what business data managers can do for financial services firms

As a highly-regulated industry, banking has traditionally focused on locking data down and making it secure. But a new breed of digital-first consumers is now challenging financial services organisati...

15 Oct 2018
Data Management 101
A Finextra Member

Seven-second credit scoring and innovation at the core: reflection on the future of legacy banks

The disruption of the banking industry started a while ago, with more and more challenger banks serving both private customers and SMEs. Everything from current accounts to money transfers to credit s...

15 Oct 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Matt Smith

The compliance revolution... How RegTech is changing the face of regulation

Seismic regulatory changes have been sweeping the financial services sector since the crisis in 2008. Banking and finance in general have moved decisively in favour of stronger regulation, and a numbe...

15 Oct 2018
Innovation in Financial Services
Anna Kuzmina

Mobile Africa

More than 1 billion people live in the Sub-Saharan Africa, 40% of population under the age of 16, and there are only 250 million smartphones. The capacity for growth is huge — both MENA, Latin Ameri

15 Oct 2018
A Finextra Member

How blockchain impacts mobile app development

What do you think of when you hear the word blockchain? For most people, they think about cryptocurrency powered by Bitcoin or Litecoin etc. Beyond that though, it’s worth taking a look at blockchain ...

15 Oct 2018
Sameer Singh Jaini

Lending Fintechs : Aadhaar KYC challenges, Privacy issues and Tight Liquidity : What next?

In last one year, massive amount of funding has been provided to Lending Fintechs in India across Retail and SME segments. I believe more than 100 new fintechs would have started in last 12 months in ...

14 Oct 2018
A Finextra Member

Brex - not Brexit - is the shape of things to come

There are a lot of discussions on LinkedIn about the Brex duo - two 22-year olds who built a unicorn in less than two years. “Young and inexperienced, did not invent anything new, there are thousands...

14 Oct 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Bob Lyddon, our new zaibatsu

[Sourced from the research behind Project Carlton] New Payment System Operator Ltd has just changed its name to Ltd, a shatteringly unoriginal name and unfortunate in that NPSO was meant to sig...

14 Oct 2018
Transaction Banking
A Finextra Member

Banks Looking into Cryptocurrencies more Actively than Ever

Cryptocurrencies used to be a low-profile element on the financial market, with many predicting that they’re just a passing fad which would be over quickly. We’ve been going through some interesting t...

13 Oct 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Shailendra Malik

Governance of ML Models in a Bank

Machine learning (ML) adds a unique and sometimes overwhelming experience to a decision system. The use cases that fit for using Machine Learning approach in a bank are numerous. Usually, in banks, th...

13 Oct 2018
Internal Auditors in Financial Services
Romal Almazo


Arguably the technology of the decade, blockchain continues to be met with hype and cynicism in equal measure. Indeed, New York University recently offered its students the opportunity to major in

13 Oct 2018
Blockchain Observations
Chris Principe


We have arrived at my favorite time of year, which is Sibos season. For me, Sibos is my Superbowl, the highlight of my year and a spectacular event that I have been privileged to attend 17 times out o...

12 Oct 2018
Social Banks

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