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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Kieran Holland

Kieran Holland Head of Technical Solutions at FinScan

Tackling Rising Data Volumes in AML

High-quality data is the bedrock of an effective anti-money laundering (AML) and watchlist screening programme. Incomplete or inaccurate data can lead to false negatives, potentially allowing illicit activities to go unnoticed. Conversely, it can trigger false positives, leading to unnecessary investigations and resource wastage. With data volumes...

/regulation /crime RegTech

Eli Talmor

Eli Talmor CEO at ID-Bound

Can we save DeFi from being Centralized?

DeFi - Addressing the Limitations of Traditional Finance. DeFi, or Decentralized Finance, aims to tackle several problems users face with traditional financial systems: Limited Access: Traditional finance often excludes people due to factors like geographical location, credit history, or minimum balance requirements. DeFi, built on blockchain techn...

/regulation /identity Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

Why Flexibility is Key for the Upcoming EU DORA Regulation

Ever-increasing digitalisation is propelling the world of financial services to act faster and do more than ever before. One side effect of this is the increased risk posed by the failure of critical suppliers. This is the reason EU regulators have introduced the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), which will implement uniform rules for fin...

/regulation /markets Capital Markets Technology

Raktim Singh

Raktim Singh Senior Industry Principal at Infosys

Privacy enhancing technologies: Key to win in today's evolving world

Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) are a suite of tools that can help maximize the use of data by reducing risks inherent to data use. These innovative solutions facilitate the handling, processing, and sharing of information while reducing the risk of exposing data. Need for Privacy-Enhancing Technologies In today's landscape marked by concerns...

/security /regulation Technology for Social Good

Terry Hubert

Terry Hubert Global Trade Strategist at Swift

Putting an End to the Trade Digitisation Waiting Game

As we see different industries exploring how digitisation can improve their business practices, it’s particularly exciting to consider how innovative technology can enhance global trade practices. However, the complex nature of the industry creates unique challenges that will require the global community to come together to effectively drive a fri...

/payments /regulation

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Also the Product Passport should be a Verifiable Credential

Proposal to the EWC consortium (the large scale EU pilot led by Sweden and Finland). As: 1. EWC is focusing on the all-important organisation wallet (general purpose and interoperable for states, municipalities, enterprises and 3rd sector organisations). 2. All credential exchange (credentials also needed for exchange of mass data in Data spaces,...

/regulation /identity Innovation in Financial Services

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

Uniting Forces: A Holistic Approach to Financial Crime

Financial institutions face increasing challenges in combating financial crime. While technology has significantly advanced (e.g. thanks to AI), the methods employed by criminals have also evolved, becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. One of the crucial challenges in this battle is the siloed approach to detecting and combating financ...

/regulation /crime Exposing Financial Crime

Alex Ford

Alex Ford President, North America at Encompass | RegTech Association | Women in RegTech

Regulating AI: Opening up the RegTech conversation

Regulating AI: Opening up the RegTech conversation with AI experts and regulators with Women In RegTech New York (WIRTNY) and Rise, by Barclays. Setting the scene As the development and adoption of AI and Generative AI across industries including financial services has dominated headlines in recent months, so too have questions around the regulato...

/ai /regulation Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Tachat Igityan

Tachat Igityan Founder and CFO at destream

Beyond Borders, Beyond Fraud: Securing the Future of Finance

The contemporary banking system operates in a dynamic and interconnected global landscape. While this presents vast opportunities, it also introduces novel challenges to financial security. According to a report by Deloitte’s Center for Financial Services, generative AI could drive fraud losses in the United States to an estimated $40 billion by 2...

/regulation /crime

Srinathprasanna Neelagiri Chettiyar Shanmugam

Srinathprasanna Neelagiri Chettiyar Shanmugam Manager - Banking and Financial Services at Aspire Systems

A Deep Dive into DORA's Threat-Led Penetration Testing Requirements

Welcome back to my blog series on DORA regulation !!! In this blog, I will dive into the specific topic of Threat-Led Penetration Testing (TLPT). Key Players in the TLPT Ecosystem: Understanding the roles involved in TLPT is crucial. Here’s a quick rundown: Red Team: These are the attackers in the simulation, employing tactics, techniques, and pro...

/security /regulation Banking Regulations

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