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Ivy Schmerken

MiFID II Post-Mortem Cites Delays on LEIs and Data Quality as Key Challenge

With the rollout of such a massive regulation as MiFID II, there are bound to be some hiccups, but so far firms are mainly wrestling with trade reporting and data quality issues. That sentiment was ex...

16 Apr 2018
Marina Evseeva

European Fintech Buzzing with VC Investment

Keeping up to speed with trends in technology takes time and effort, especially when it comes to financial technology or fintech as it is commonly referred to as. Money is streaming in to fintech, a

16 Apr 2018
Sushama Divekar

Why Banks cannot leverage on self-service options to bring out the intended business impact?

All Banks today, irrespective of size or geography have joined the Digitization and self-service bandwagon. Investments and budgets are being carved out, and Digitization seems to be the top priority ...

16 Apr 2018
Disruption in Retail Banking
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

European Blockchain Partnership: great leap forward

On 10 April, at the EC Digital Day 2018, the European Union made a big step forward towards a great blockchain future. On that date 22 EU member countries have signed a Declaration on the creation of ...

16 Apr 2018
Henri Wajsblat

Don’t let ringfencing get the better of you: connected planning will make compliance a breeze

Increasing regulation is just one thing we’ve inherited from the 2008 financial crisis. While it may seem like a growing paranoia within the industry, making sure the economy is better prepared for up...

16 Apr 2018
Financial Services Regulation
Bo Harald

Protecting costs - NOT consumers - Anno 2008

Had a discussion (in 2008) with a representative of a consumer organization at a conference in Brussels. It did strike me - again - how little interest these organizations have to further cost cutting...

15 Apr 2018
Digital Banking Trends
A Finextra Member

Why Digital Advertising Agencies Suck at Acquisition and are in Dire Need of an AI Assisted Upgrade

Are you happy with digital marketing agency? I mean sure, they are great for creating “awareness” but how often do they result in conversions or even a solid lead? Unless you are marketing FMCG goods...

15 Apr 2018
Asia Financial Services
Yogesh Mantri

Future Customer Journey in Banking

Yogesh: “Hey Siri, can you create a savings account, transfer 100 Bitcoins from my wallet to the account”. Siri: “Hi Yogesh, sure, let me do it right away.” After 30 sec…. Siri: ”Hi Yogesh, Savings ac...

14 Apr 2018
Digital Banking Trends
A Finextra Member

Occam’s Razor or Super-String in Post-Trade Processing?

Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor) is a principle from philosophy that presumes that if two explanations for an occurrence are presented, the simpler one is usually better. Another way of saying it is ...

13 Apr 2018
A Finextra Member

Is Blockchain the Next Betamax Tape?

In 1975, Sony released its latest analog video tape cassette. This was the beginning of a war to have the best recording format in the newly created video industry. JVC countered with VHS and Phillips...

13 Apr 2018
A Finextra Member

The day of the Fintech is now

Within the financial services arena, cost cutting is still a major driver. But what else is creating the perfect storm for Fintech providers and their clients alike? Or is it all just hype? Rapid resp...

13 Apr 2018
Fintech innovation and startups
Freddie McMahon

Chatbots are growing and growing as a new form of intangibles

Chatbots are gaining more and more momentum throughout the public and private sectors, worldwide. Now is the time to consider chatbots from a wider perspective. Chatbots are emerging as a new cl...

13 Apr 2018
Digital Banking Trends

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