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Future Customer Journey in Banking

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Yogesh: “Hey Siri, can you create a savings account, transfer 100 Bitcoins from my wallet to the account”.

Siri: “Hi Yogesh, sure, let me do it right away.”

After 30 sec….

Siri: ”Hi Yogesh, Savings account created in Yogi Bank. Your account no is YXM007, anything else you want me to do?”

Yogesh: “That was quick, great, Thanks a lot Siri”

Siri: “Always there for you Yogesh, mention not”


What could happen in the background?

Voice recognition is used by Siri to capture what I’m saying. Using AI / NLP, Siri decodes my instructions, recognizing the “Intent” of creating an account through the key words like Create, Savings, Account, transfer, wallet.

Siri invokes API calls to price comparison websites like or to collate the savings account deposit rates offered by banks. (Siri already does comparison of eating places nearby)

Compares the rates (Cognitive Computing) and identifies Yogi Bank that offers the best rates, this bank is part of a Blockchain technology based banking platform like,

Siri sends my Digital Identity issued by Govt of India to the Blockchain technology based Banking platform where Yogi Bank is a member bank.

Blockchain platform acts as P2P network or a marketplace of financial service providers with an Open API architecture, one of the service providers can complete the KYC or the request can be sent to a Blockchain enabled KYC platform like KYC-Chain or BankChain ( (

Additionally, the Blockchain platform creates a risk profile basis data available and gathered from Social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN etc, criminal/fraud databases etc to create a digital persona to be used for account opening.

After KYC is done, the savings account is created in Yogi Bank, a smart contract is created in the Blockchain platform, link to smart contract is sent to me.

Siri verifies the contract details (Cogntive computing) and confirms on my behalf. My savings bank account is opened.

Siri invokes a 100 Bitcoins transfer from my wallet to the new Savings account (Cognitive Computing). (Siri already has a feature to transfer funds from checking to savings account or Send money to your friend…Monzo, SquareCash has provided this feature)

An email and SMS confirmation is sent to me with the account details.

The account is funded instantly with 100 Bitcoins.

Currently, all the technologies mentioned above are being applied or offered individually addressing one or may be couple of pieces of the entire customer journey. However, the true potential of Fintech will be to create products and use cases like above by building an ecosystem of technologies working in sync and making the E2E customer journey experience truly seamless.

Happy to get your comments….can Apple’s Siri or Google’s Home Assistant or Amazon’s Alexa start offering the above as a service, charging a transaction fees from each participant in the ecosystem, can a bank collaborate with Amazon, Apple, or Google to provide the above as an offering and share the revenue generated in turn dodging the fear of competition from Fintech startups and protect their future earnings……..Possibilities are endless………………






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