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Bo Harald

10 years ago - and still not quite there..

Next step - e-invoicing05 November 2008 | 2575 views | 0 It is evident - paper invoices will disappear from the business to business and business to government sectors and then later in practice a...

21 Apr 2018
Digital Banking Trends
Graham Seel

What Could Be Better Than Savings Groups?

The simple answer: Savings Groups plus access to a formal Financial Services Provider (FSP). Sometimes! A soon-to-be-published report for World Renew documents my research on Savings Group linkages to...

21 Apr 2018
Financial Inclusion
Freddie McMahon

Chatbots provide the means to go beyond the constraints of legacy systems, but who will lead change?

After so much innovation and disruptive technologies, the issues surrounding legacy systems still prevail at scale. For example, Global Banks are spending around US$220bn a year on IT expenses, with...

20 Apr 2018
Fintech innovation and startups
Breana Patel

How Important is Enterprise Risk Management ?

Enterprise Risk Management. Arguably the largest evolutionary change in risk management for financial institutions has been the elevation of the risk management function to a key role in firm manage

19 Apr 2018
Operational Risk Management
Sundara Balaji

Banks and Fintechs: Monetization Strategy and Evolving Business Models

Most conversations around banking and Fintech feature two themes - API monetization and digital innovation. However, that’s where the similarity ends, because the two impact the banking industry in ve...

19 Apr 2018
A Finextra Member

13 Points of Clarification for FinCEN Final Rule CDD

1. Beneficial Ownership Threshold FinCEN has reiterated that the specified threshold (25%) is a floor, not a ceiling. It has left to the discretion of covered financial institutions (FIs) to implement...

19 Apr 2018
Financial Services Regulation
A Finextra Member

Become a master of suspense

Starting October 1, 2018, CME Regulatory Advisory RA1720-5 comes into effect. The advisory details the limited use of suspense accounts, which are temporary holding accounts submitted at the time of ...

18 Apr 2018
Enrico Camerinelli

Banks, supply chains, and blockchain

The speed at which blockchain-based applications are evolving beyond pure financial transactions must not induce banks to mistakenly think that the business is running out of their hands. On the contr...

18 Apr 2018
Futuristic Banking
A Finextra Member

A Rundown of the FCA’s 2018 - 2019 Business Plan

The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has just released its Business Plan for 2018/2019. While much of it focused on preparations for Brexit, it’s clear that there’s more on the regulator’s agen

18 Apr 2018
Alex Kreger

UX Design Guide: 7 Steps to Make Digital Banking Service or Fintech Product Simple

Each year technology makes the world more complex for people to understand. So, easy-to-use services for consumers are in particularly great demand. Due to the nature of the human mind: it is vital to...

17 Apr 2018
Innovation in Financial Services
Ahmed Khidhir

Effects of Banner Blindness on Digital Banking

With the expansion of easily accessible and convenient digital banking services - such as mobile and tablet banking, as well as online banking for personal computer platforms - bank customers are get...

17 Apr 2018
Online Banking
Kunal Patel

RegTech: Driving the Future of Financial Services

I am not an expert or an authority in the area of regulation and more specifically, RegTech solutions but I understand the importance of what RegTech can bring to the work being undertaken by FinTech ...

16 Apr 2018

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