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Kannan Amaresh

Innovation Imperatives for Insurers in the Digital Age

Even a casual look into the history of insurance reveals its rapid evolution over the last decade - from a slow-paced and highly regulated industry, to one consumed with technology transformation. Til...

12 Jun 2018
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

Seamless access to data in digital Europe

Eminent article by Markus Hautala - head of Blockchain Solutions at Tieto "Any thriving economy depends on the availability and free movement of skilled labour, products and services. Data has f...

12 Jun 2018
Innovation in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

Improving the customer experience in cross-border payments through information sharing

Corporate payment processing is complex. It includes many steps and multiple parties and participants. This creates a number of operational challenges (and costs) for banks, but, more importantly, slo...

12 Jun 2018
Anthony Walton

TSB And How the Industry Needs to Rethink Testing and Migrations

Nobody should rejoice in the problems faced by TSB in its migration to the Sabadell system. TSB’s customer base has suffered, the bank’s reputation has been hammered and, inevitably, fraudsters have ...

12 Jun 2018
Innovation in Financial Services
Rolf Hauge

Ready for real-time payments? How about real-time banking?

As banks examine their readiness to deliver on the potential of new real-time payment schemes and meeting customer expectations for an ‘always-on’ service, it’s an ideal time to consider not only real...

11 Jun 2018
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Rakesh Chhabra

Conversational AI - Digital first to human first

In the last few years, most of the boardroom discussions have echoed the word “digital first”, thanks to internet initially and smart phones later. The strategies around customer centric approach have...

11 Jun 2018
Enrico Camerinelli

Community NdT Blockchain Use Cases

This article summarizes the most recent use cases developed by Network Partners of the NdT Community. Although they operate in very different industrial sectors, all the Partners have the same objecti...

10 Jun 2018
Blockchain Observations
Freddie McMahon

Frugal Engineering to digitalise Standard Operating Procedures

Frugal Engineering is the science of breaking up complex engineering processes to reduce the complexity and cost of producing products, without compromising quality. One example of Frugal Engineering ...

08 Jun 2018
Operational Risk Management
A Finextra Member

Big fine but no time

Big fine but no time – CBA receives largest corporate fine in Australian history What is the cost of breaching AML/CFT regulations 53,750 times? According to AUSTRAC it is AUD$700 million, which was t...

08 Jun 2018
Banking Regulations
A Finextra Member

Light at the end of the loan origination tunnel

When buying products online, ordering a taxi or booking a vacation, the modern consumer expects a simple, streamlined experience and instant satisfaction. I have often questioned why the same service ...

08 Jun 2018
Transaction Banking
Kunal Patel

Creating the perfect chatbot

The world has gone chatbot crazy, certainly there is still a lot of focus on ‘virtual assistants’, as some people like to refer to them as. They are essentially used to mimic human speech where a huma...

08 Jun 2018
Innovation in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

Flexing to keep-up: Building the client strategy around a consistent and smart CRM ecosystem

Any organisation future is at risk – the average life expectancy of a company collapsed from 75 years in the mid-1950s to 15 years today. More than 200 years ago, Charles Darwin concluded that is not ...

07 Jun 2018
Innovation in Financial Services

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