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Freddie McMahon


The Chatbot Market is being led by the six tech titans: Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, TenCent, Google and Apple. Some key trend highlights Transparency Market Research estimates that the global ch

11 Aug 2017
Innovation in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

How Mobility is transforming the Lending Sector

If someone told us a decade ago, how mobility is gonna make sweeping changes in every aspect of our life, we would have scoffed. But look at us today, mobile phone and technology have become an integr...

10 Aug 2017
Financial Inclusion
A Finextra Member

Dad, are you better than a robot?

In London this week, many young people who are leaving school have been doing their work experience. Exams finished, their enthusiasm, momentum and keen intellect are being turned to real-world proble...

10 Aug 2017
A Finextra Member

BI and Analytics - A New Perspective

It has been said, and we will say it again, that ‘data is the new oil.’ Volumes of data, and the number of channels through which that data flows are exploding. In 2016, we created more data than the ...

09 Aug 2017
Financial Risk Management
Ivy Schmerken

MiFID II Transparency Puts Stress on Data Architecture

With only four months to go until the MiFID II’s Jan. 3, 2018 implementation date, buy-side firms are facing huge changes in disclosure and transparency requirements, which could upend their data mana...

09 Aug 2017
David Donovan

The Rise of AI First World in Financial Services

Looks like a number of movies these days are predicting the doom of the human race and the rise of the machines. Will machines take over the planet? Probably not. Will machines become your new colleag...

08 Aug 2017
Innovation in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

Millennials and mobile banking - the perfect match?

For quite some time now, millennials have been the primary target market for a vast majority of industries. Everything they do – every website they visit, purchase they make, and even their location t...

08 Aug 2017
Sadra Boutorabi

Why W3C Web Payment Standardisation Won’t Be The 3D Secure Killer

The online payments landscape is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Global retail eCommerce transaction volumes for products and services reached US$1.9 trillion in 2016 and are estim...

08 Aug 2017
Innovation in Financial Services
Paul Miserez

Highlights and approach of the 2017 Sibos Standards Forum

At the occasion of the 2017 Standards Forum to be held at Sibos in Toronto, Canada from 16 to 19 October, I interviewed a number of SWIFT standards experts about the content of this year's programme....

07 Aug 2017
Standards Forum
A Finextra Member

The Millennial Investor

I have heard many commentators state that the millennial investor is a rare breed. They are too focused on the here and now to worry about investing to grow their wealth for the future. Five years ago...

07 Aug 2017
Trends in Financial Services
Keith Stonell

Digitalisation, not Brexit, London Market's biggest challenge

Next year is the fortieth anniversary of when Lloyd’s decided to make a dramatic, concrete and steel statement about its past and future. 1978 was the year work started on Richard Rogers’ Lloyd’s Bui...

07 Aug 2017
Innovation in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

It’s All About Liquidity- In ICOs Stupid

Liquidity is defined as having the availability of a product or market to a large sustainable audience. This is not the exact definition, but it's relevant for this discussion. Like almost any succes...

06 Aug 2017

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