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A Finextra Member

ESMA updates questions and answers on EMIR reporting

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published an updated questions and answers document on “Implementation of the Regulation on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade r...

18 Dec 2013
Financial Services Regulation
A Finextra Member

Why Market Risk Systems Are Vital to Volcker Rule Compliance

On December 10, 2013, five U.S. financial regulators approved a game-changing series of new rules that prohibit a broad array of financial risk activities that contributed to the near collapse of the ...

17 Dec 2013
Nick Levy

Twinkle twinkle API, why do you make the CIO cry?

Actually, it’s not an API, it’s the lack of one that can make the CIO cry. API (Application Programming Interface) refers to something quite technical and involves creating a technology capability whi...

17 Dec 2013
Pat Carroll

Tis the season to be jolly - Ho Ho Hopefully!

The UK’s Fraud Prevention Service wants to remind Christmas shoppers to be ultra-prudent with their personal and financial details. The numbers show an increase of 23% in the number of victims of acc...

16 Dec 2013
Innovation in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

What does US interchange ruling mean for retailers?

The US District Court’s ruling to accept a one-off settlement from Visa and MasterCard to merchants over credit card interchange fee overcharges in the United States means that no interchange cap has...

16 Dec 2013
A Finextra Member

To B or not to B, and if we B then how to B: Indian Banks!

To B or not to B, and if we B then how to B – this is the million dollar question we need to ask banks before they setup shop in India. Disclaimer: this article is purely my personal opinion a...

16 Dec 2013
A Finextra Member

The Final Volker Rule: Enhanced Automation is Key for Banks

The Volcker rule, codified as part of the Dodd-Frank Act, pertains to all depository institutions and those affiliated with or regulated as banks (“banking entities”). The rule, now finalized by all f...

16 Dec 2013
A Finextra Member

Rising tide trends in 2014

Last year, my magic crystal balls helped me get 6 out of 7 predictions right. Let's see if I can do even better this year. As a quick summary, my predictions for 2014 are based on proliferation of alt...

16 Dec 2013
Innovation in Financial Services
Elizabeth Lumley

GTB in 2014 - The Big Predictions!

Many of you signed up to watch and take part in our live webcast looking at global transaction banking in 2014. We asked our esteemed panel to close off our discussion with their top predictions for ...

16 Dec 2013
Future Finance
Robert Siciliano

Child identities need more legal protection

Identity theft can involve children. In fact, it’s a growing problem. The thief takes a child’s Social Security number and either uses their name or assigns it to a different name and always changes t...

16 Dec 2013
A Finextra Member

Government agrees Solvency II should apply from 1 Jan 2016

The House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee has published a report which includes the Government’s views on the proposed Regulation to amend the transposition date of Solvency II to 31 January 20...

16 Dec 2013
Financial Services Regulation
A Finextra Member

Expansion Challenges for China's tier 2 banks

After 18 years of economic development, China’s Tier 2 Banks, mainly city commercial banks, are growing to fill a gap in-between state-owned banks, and rural commercial banks. As part of their growth,...

14 Dec 2013
Future Finance

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