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A Finextra Member

The Middle East Presents Retailers A Growing Opportunity But Faces Two Challenges

In the Middle East, cash is the preferred method of transacting, however the region is edging toward a digital society. 36% of Middle East residents are digital shoppers and are expected to spend $19B...

31 Aug 2017
A Finextra Member

The evolution of cash

For years we’ve been reading stories about the imminent death of old-fashioned notes and coins and how we’re all going to be spending money via digital wallets and smartphones as hard currency becomes...

30 Aug 2017
A Finextra Member

Banks For The Memory

When the public bands together, their voice is truly distinct. During the 2008 financial crisis, considered to be one of the world’s worst economic disasters, their collective voice could not have b

30 Aug 2017
A Finextra Member

Ecommerce Payments Introduces a New Regulatory Challenge in the Battle Against Money Laundering

The regulatory gap in ecommerce payments is a pressing issue. Transaction Launderers are taking full advantage of the gaps in the current regulatory regime to funnel illicit ecommerce transactions in...

30 Aug 2017
A Finextra Member

Transformational UK fintech

The UK has long held a much sought after position when it comes to financial services. There’s a huge strength of talent, access to capital, regulation and demand from consumers to high end corporatio...

30 Aug 2017
Brie Lam

To Opt In or Not to Opt In? That’s the Question for Dealers Studying the SI Rules Under MiFID II

When ESMA announced in late 2016 that the quantitative threshold assessment under the MIFID II Systematic Internaliser (SI) regime would commence from 1st September 2018, rather than 3rd January 2018,...

29 Aug 2017
Howard Berg

Mobile banking is shifting gears with PDS2

Mobile devices are the backbone of digital transformation, enabling new innovations such as smart cities and connected cars. But they are also the backbone of disruption in the digital banking world

25 Aug 2017
Freddie McMahon


One of the challenges for Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Autonomous Solutions (AS) is to mitigate socioeconomic risks and negative impacts. Financial Services have already experienced unintended ris...

25 Aug 2017
Futuristic Banking
Tayo Abinusawa

The Future of Client Onboarding

Many of the largest financial institutions (banks, wealth and asset managers, insurance firms) in the world are currently investing a lot of money into their onboarding processes. Apart from wanting t...

24 Aug 2017
Innovation in Financial Services
Sarah Jackson

How 'Hard Mark' Credit Checks are Quietly Costing Consumers

It is not unreasonable for consumers to assume that they should be able to assess their eligibility for a loan without damaging their future prospects. The majority of lenders perform hard credit chec...

24 Aug 2017
A Finextra Member

The Tiny Technical Elite vs. The Androids

The Tiny Technical Elite is a term that was used by the author Kurt Vonnegut in his futuristic book, Player Piano in 1952. Yes, as early as that, futurists were predicting the strain that automation w...

23 Aug 2017
A Finextra Member

How are User Experience and Compliance related

This is Part 1 of our series of articles in “Digital Client Onboarding for Financial Services: Move Fast, Ask Less”. So, what does User eXperience (UX) have to do with compliance? Well, when we break...

23 Aug 2017
Innovation in Financial Services

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