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Vinod Sekharankutty

David versus Goliaths

A new age banker almost like a messiah made an announcement today about "brushing aside" the dinosaurs. Sure most people see the traditional banks as slow, lumbering giants and who are furth...

16 Nov 2015
A Finextra Member

The 3 C’s which catalyze mCommerce - Content, Community and Campaigns

Mobile commerce is worth US$230 billion, with Asia representing almost half of the market, and has been forecast to reach US$700 Bn in 2017. 700 Bn$ is huge in any way you look at it – It is what App...

15 Nov 2015
A Finextra Member

Bespoke Digital Banking: the power of Big Data and Predictive Analytics

As consumer expectations towards digital user experience are increasing, more and more banks are striving to provide great customer experience on their digital banking channels – online, mobile, and t...

15 Nov 2015
A Finextra Member

You must be kidding me

Time to ruffle some feathers. Innovation, payments, fintech - there has been a lot of buzz and commotion there for the past few years. The end result - mostly fizzle. Why? There has been no real probl...

14 Nov 2015
Innovation in Financial Services
Martin Ruda

The Future Cheque Clearing Model

The Future Cheque Clearing Model – a fraud management opportunity As the cheque industry gets down to work in building the Future Clearing Model (FCM) in time for the 2017 implementation, some conti...

13 Nov 2015
A Finextra Member

Crowdfunding: Golden Opportunity for Banks or Paradox

I have intentionally kept this short and straight to the point as I would like to hear readers' opinions. Please post a comment below with your thoughts With Crowdfunding (both debt and equity) accoun...

13 Nov 2015
Ben O'Brien

10 key steps to implement IFRS 9

In January 2018, banks will have to change the process that currently calculates their credit impairments. While 2018 may seem quite a long way off, there is a lot of work to be done in order to meet ...

13 Nov 2015
Steve Cook

7 Trends in Biometric Technology Applications

Mitigating the risk of a security breach and protecting customer data is one of many concerns that need to be addressed with innovative technological solutions and methods. Biometric authentication ...

12 Nov 2015
A Finextra Member

FinTech 2.0

Investment keeps flowing into start-ups that are missioned to disrupt financial technology and break banks. The way we obtain loans, invest, accept and make payments is being challenged and disrupted ...

12 Nov 2015
Bo Harald

Revolution! Now!

The technology explosion is making so many new far reaching opportunities visible that new challenges have appeared or old ones have become even more challenging. The first that many of us meet in o

12 Nov 2015
Innovation in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

SHA-2 Protocol: to cloud, or not to cloud?

When the Bacs payment scheme implements SHA-2 internet security certification next year, anyone submitting direct payments will need to upgrade their Bacs approved software to ensure they can submit s...

12 Nov 2015
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Robert Siciliano

Infrastructures under attack

It’s been stated more than once that WWIII will most likely be cyber-based, such as dismantling a country’s entire infrastructure via cyber weapons. And don’t think for a moment this doesn’t mean murd...

11 Nov 2015

Now hiring