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Patrick Chambeau

Are you in the driver’s seat? How innovative drivers can inspire traders

There are many synergies with the Formula-E concept and the financial markets. Both operate in a fast-moving market and parallels can be drawn between between drivers and traders; both are in some way...

28 Nov 2018
Innovation in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

Legacy networks: Enemy number one for banks

For financial organisations looking to make the move to public cloud, outdated technology is proving to be a significant obstacle. With the sheer number of regulatory hoops they have to jump through,...

28 Nov 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Akshaya Bhargava

AI - The Perfect Assistant?

Recently, while doing a demo of one of our products, I was asked “where is the AI in this?” The question is neither uncommon nor rhetorical but comes with much sub-text. Do we genuinely want to know h...

28 Nov 2018
Fintech innovation and startups
A Finextra Member

Open-Loop Prepaid Card Markets On The Rise, Studies Show

The open-loop prepaid market is booming, and all signs point to another record-setting year. The Canadian open-loop prepaid market has grown 27 percent over the last three years, according to the Ca...

27 Nov 2018
Michael Carter

Collaboration between FinTechs and Financial institutions - win-win?

Instead of the predicted cannibalization, an evolution is taking place in both the new and traditional financial services models, as companies begin to collaborate rather than compete for greater mark...

27 Nov 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
A Finextra Member

Putting the customer at the heart of it

A colleague of mine in the UK recently wanted to open a business account. She needed to get funds in quickly so she wanted a fast process and was happy to comply with whatever checks were required to ...

27 Nov 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Anna Kuzmina

India stack

There was one particular subject that got the spotlight at the recent fintech conference that I talked about. India stack. Meaning, the number of government-led initiatives to bring India to the f

27 Nov 2018
Digital Banking Trends
A Finextra Member

How does AI-based credit scoring fare against traditional credit scoring?

"A neural network more closely mimics the way humans think and reason, whereas linear models are more dogmatic — you’re imposing structure on data as opposed to letting the data talk to you."...

27 Nov 2018
Behavioral Economics in Banking
Richard Miller

Crossing the trust boundary with DLT pt2: The Company

In the last article, “Crossing the trust boundary with DLT pt1: Consortiums”, I looked at some fairly well understood topics on the trust model of consortiums. In this article I will explore how Dist...

26 Nov 2018
Blockchain Observations
A Finextra Member

AngularJS or ReactJs: Which one to choose?

ReactJS and AngularJS have been the most grounded contenders in the domain of the JavaScript framework. Regularly designers continue battling among the frameworks to build up an adaptable arrangement....

26 Nov 2018
Bob Lyddon

The curious incident of company No. 11536954 - Limited, founded three months ago Ltd was founded three months ago (on 25th August 2018) as a company limited by guarantee no. 11536594 and registered to 2 Thomas More Square, London. Is that a surprise to you? It might be. On ...

26 Nov 2018
Transaction Banking
Enrico Camerinelli

Blockchain and e-mails

<<Do we really need this blockchain? From what we see from current projects it looks like we could do the same with the technologies already in use.>> I get these and other objections from...

25 Nov 2018
Blockchain Observations

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