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Keith Stonell

Insurers should look alive in 2020

May you live in interesting times, so goes the Chinese curse. 2019 has certainly been an interesting year for insurers. Going into 2020, the industry is grappling with the fallout from disastrous wea...

23 Dec 2019
Keith Stonell

Does Lloyd’s Have the Insurtech Blueprint for the Future?

In September 2019, the world’s oldest insurance marketplace made yet another announcement about how it would transform itself for the future. The announcement of the Lloyd’s Blueprint One had been we...

13 Dec 2019
Keith Stonell

How to Find the Ideal Insurtech Mate in a Jungle of Options

As the Indian summer comes to a close, and I prepare for our global user conference I have been reflecting on the insurtech market once again. Perhaps something people missed was the Willis Towers Wat...

25 Sep 2019
Keith Stonell

It's the quiet ones you've got to watch...

Cyber-attacks are hardly new news, but they are an ever-changing threat. The cyber landscape does not stand still for long, and with each new technological innovation, hackers find new vulnerabilities...

11 Sep 2019
Keith Stonell

Technology Can Help Insurers Respond to FCA on Charges of Poor Customer Service

Back in April, the CEOs of UK insurers, brokers, and other providers, received a letter from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) telling them to sort out poor customer service or else. This is all p...

25 Jun 2019
Financial Services Regulation
Keith Stonell

White List - Is your glass half full?

Fraud is an ongoing headache for the insurance industry. The Association of British Insurers reported that the industry detected 113,000 dishonest insurance claims in 2017, equating to a value of £1....

10 Jun 2019
Keith Stonell

Roots manoeuvre: IoT helps insurers join the dots

The value of the Internet of Things (IoT) to the insurance industry is becoming understood but there is plenty of room for even more innovation. The roots of IoT applications in insurance lie in how t...

18 Feb 2019
Digital Insurance Trends
Keith Stonell

A Little Less Conversation, a Little More Action in Insurance!

Towards the end of last year, I attended a major insurtech conference. As ever, the week was packed with interesting debates and stories about how technology is impacting the insurance industry and ho...

30 Jan 2019
Keith Stonell

ICYMI - Cyber Insurance Stress Tests Look to Future

Tesco Bank’s £16m fine for its cyberbreach shows how the regulators are now truly baring their teeth on punishing cybersecurity failures. Financial and reputation damage from cyber attacks, therefore,...

06 Dec 2018
Keith Stonell

Amazon is going to eat your lunch! But Insurers can fight back

This summer’s silly season for news stories ended early for the insurance industry with new rumours of Amazon making plans to disrupt the sector. Well sourced reports in titles like Reuters and Insu...

08 Nov 2018
Digital Insurance Trends
Keith Stonell

The challenge of pricing cyber risk - does it feel like nailing jelly to the wall?

According to the Allianz Risk Barometer 2018 business owners consider cyber incidents to be the second greatest threat to their organisations – rising from third place in last year’s survey. Cyber th...

01 Aug 2018
Keith Stonell

Insurance drones, boots on the ground, and big data

Drones are often touted as being the answer to a great number of modern day challenges. Soon, we are told, they will be making shopping deliveries for us, dropping off pizzas, and even taxiing us aro...

21 May 2018
Digital Insurance Trends

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