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A Finextra Member

Building on sure foundations

Discussing the FIX post-trade workflows with a senior operations technologist recently, he asked me “why FIX?”. It’s a great question; after all FIX has been around for 20 years! FIX dominates the fro...

28 Jan 2015
A Finextra Member

The Passwordless Experience is set to transform the way we pay

As security breaches continue to grab headlines, I was intrigued by new claims that not only could online security be improved for consumers, but it could actually become a more delightful user experi...

28 Jan 2015
Innovation in Financial Services
Ramani Balakrishnan

Back to Non Banking Lenders!

With Quicken replacing Bank of America , gaining third place in top 10 residential lenders couple of years ago, signalling the era of non-banking lenders to start all over. PHH always tried to be in...

27 Jan 2015
A Finextra Member

Omnichannel and legacy IT systems - Part I

Wearing the “new black” with style, even with old boots! No matter who you talk to in the retail banking business it seems that Omnichannel initiatives are the height of fashion when it comes to respo...

27 Jan 2015
A Finextra Member

Omnichannel and legacy IT systems - Part II

Wearing the “new black” with style even with old boots In my last post, I wrote about how Omnichannel initiatives in retail banking are ‘the new black’ - offering the best hope for getting into step w...

27 Jan 2015
Pat Carroll

Security by Obscurity is the key!

2014 shocked us all into the reality that no institution or organization, no matter how big or sophisticated, was immune to being “hacked” or “breached”. Towards the end of the year, we were all numbe...

27 Jan 2015
Information Security
Robert Siciliano

Researcher says HTTPS can track You

Perhaps you’ve read that “HTTPS” at the start of a website address means that the site is secure, encrypted. However, a feature of the HTTPS can track you, says an article at HTTP i...

27 Jan 2015
A Finextra Member

2015: a year of closer connections

Expectations, and the pace at which they’re changing, are creating new pressures for the payments industry. While the future is always difficult to predict, one thing is certain: we are going to conti...

27 Jan 2015
Balazs Fejes

Banks must think like technology companies to keep themselves relevant with their customers

The evolution of customer behavior is happening faster than firms can change their business models, processes, and technology. This is forcing organizations, including an increasing number of non-tech...

27 Jan 2015
A Finextra Member

New Growth Opportunities for Banks: The Under-Banked Segment

Timing is important. It has been said: if you’re too early, no one will understand; and if you’re too late, everyone will have already forgotten. Leveraging today’s technologies can help your ban

26 Jan 2015
A Finextra Member

5 Lessons for Online FX brokers from the Swiss Franc Moves

On 15 January the SNB (Swiss National Bank) removed the floor on the EUR/CHF rate allowing it to float freely on the market. The Swiss Franc immediately appreciated by almost 20% catching most market ...

26 Jan 2015
Ketharaman Swaminathan

Banks Have Nothing To Fear From Neobanks

According to the Economic Times article Brokerages’ Retail Pain Is Banks' Gain, banks have stolen a march over neobanks in the e-brokerage space in India. Cheaper access to funds and greater trust - ...

25 Jan 2015

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