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Nigel Walsh

The Insurance Brand - Time for a Refresh?

Bryan Adams of @PhCreative recently wrote a great piece on the Insurance Brandhere. Dare I say an outsiders perspective on the Insurance world. Provocatively entitled: Imagine if Insurance Brands Sta...

12 Feb 2015
A Finextra Member

Why am I not content with Apple Pay?

Enough has been written about how cool Apple Pay is. And it really is a game changer in a world filled with card data breaches and fraud. Apple Pay's support of tokens and biometrics are extremely imp...

11 Feb 2015
A Finextra Member

Regulatory Change Is Different!

We live in interesting times For any change professional in financial services the relentless onslaught of regulatory change is a challenge. Of course, regulatory change is not a new thing, but the pa...

11 Feb 2015
A Finextra Member

Breach, Brand and 5 things we know about PCI for 2015

PCI compliance has long been seen by many as a ‘tick in the box’ exercise, that hasn’t figured high on the information security stack hot list. But that does now seem to be changing. At the PCI London...

11 Feb 2015
A Finextra Member

New Bank, Old Bank

In response to the financial crisis of 2008 many of the worst affected banks adopted a “Good Bank, Bad Bank” strategy. In this they hived off their most toxic assets into what was referred to as the B...

11 Feb 2015
A Finextra Member

Mind the gap: third-party due diligence is more important than ever

Third-party due diligence is an obligation facing financial services when on-boarding and maintaining any supplier, agent, consultant, distributor or service provider to ensure they continue to comply...

10 Feb 2015
Prasenjit Das

Social Media Banking - Balancing challenges and opportunities is the way forward

The figures below would indeed be very tempting to not only make a case for social media banking but to jump to the conclusion that social media is the future of banking .Take the case of Facebook wit...

10 Feb 2015
Prasenjit Das

Why delay in Volcker rule may not be unreasonable ?

The Federal Reserve delayed by two years compliance with the Volcker rule that bans them from betting with their own money through investments in risky hedge and private equity funds. However th

10 Feb 2015
A Finextra Member

Risk data aggregation: what progress this past year?

The 2015 BIS progress report around BCBS 239 throws up some significant compliance gaps. There is much within the report to discuss. One of the primary goals of these principles was to address was a b...

10 Feb 2015
A Finextra Member

What Makes Israel A Startup Success

Dynamite comes in small packages! The big technology companies may claim Silicon Valley as their de facto domicilium, but several thousand miles east of California’s tech heartland lies a booming tec...

10 Feb 2015
A Finextra Member

The Common Reporting Standard - Government tax data exchange efforts step up a gear

Governments around the world are stepping up the fight against tax evasion. Previously, they were content to send requests to one another when they wanted information about the offshore accounts of th...

10 Feb 2015
Andrew Churchill

Mere tokenism - how not to deploy security

There has been much commentary of late over the surge in interest in tokenisation, not least on the back of certain mobile payment platforms. Tokenisation, as a principle, has of course been around

09 Feb 2015

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