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David Divitt

You've been a victim of fraud - what happens next?

There have been a number of studies published recently about consumer attitudes to online banking or shopping, and there is a persistent theme of consumers still being worried about security and frau

17 Feb 2009
Robert Siciliano

Quarter Million Dollar Bounty for Criminal Hacker

by Robert Siciliano In a Microsoft press release a global bounty has been offered for the arrest and prosecution of whoever has created and released the “conficker” virus. Conficker was released in

17 Feb 2009
A Finextra Member

Waste even more time with your iPhone

While waiting at Kennington station this morning (imagine my usual rant here about how crap the Northern Line is these days) I had time to look at the free newspaper. In fact I had time to read War an...

17 Feb 2009
After hours
A Finextra Member

Fusion-io Will Revolutionise Many Processes - Its hot!

I admit to holding out. I see new stuff out there and immediately see the possibilities, but can't bring myself to blab immediately. Steve Wozniak (Apple founder) has gone back to work at a company I ...

17 Feb 2009
Bo Harald

Banks - time to deliver new customer value

Banks - especially Investment banks - are now being squeezed from all sides - revaluation of securitized papers to unrealistically low market price levels, losses from credit books as economies nosedi...

16 Feb 2009
Innovation in Financial Services
Ed Daniel

UK Banking Retail OPEN API

This has been on my mind a lot recently, mainly out of frustration with using my bank's web sites as they don't support Firefox very well. More so, my bank and credit card providers especially are a ...

16 Feb 2009
Futuristic Banking
Robert Siciliano

Preventing Inside Jobs, Keeping Inside Hackers - Out

Robert Siciliano Are you familiar with a “Logic Bomb”? This is a brilliant piece of code, a virus, designed for destruction. The goal of a logic bomb is to disable existing systems that may monitor d...

16 Feb 2009
A Finextra Member

What do Canada, Iran and the Italian Mafia have in common?

A quick search on Google earlier today flagged up some puzzling results. While searching for an article about how Canada has managed to escape relatively unscathed from the financial meltdown, Google ...

16 Feb 2009
Paul Penrose

Save the children - The International gets an X rating

The New York Times does a good job of reviewing The International - a new zeitgeist-tapping movie that portrays the nefarious activities of a fictitious international bank dubbed IBBC. As the NYTimes...

16 Feb 2009
A Finextra Member

How to Pay the Bonuses

So, we have contractual issues that mean lots of people in banks need to be paid bonuses. So be it. Pay them then, but here's how it should be done. 1) The first £5,000 in bonuses should be paid in...

16 Feb 2009
Transaction Banking
A Finextra Member

10 or 100 Pounds, Contactless Makes No Sense

Unless of course you're flogging them. If it is secure - why the low limit? Of course if you allude that it is secure and ask the consumer they all want to appear bright by answering 'Convenience'. Un...

14 Feb 2009
Robert Siciliano

Tech Executives Are The New Sexy

Robert Siciliano 2/13/2 Not too long ago the CIO was a pocket protected, sugared up, soda pop drinking, potato chip eating, caffeinated, non sociable…..well….geek. Not anymore. But you knew that. Se

13 Feb 2009

Now hiring