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Dirk Kinvig

Create a new Finextra Community Group

Finextra has over 50 live blogging Groups. Groups are a useful way for Finextra Community Members to associate their blog with other related blogs. So say, for example, you want to read blogs about t...

07 Mar 2017
Finextra site news
A Finextra Member

Core banking: no more lipstick please

Traditionally, core banking systems have been developed as large monolithic systems. There are a few issues with this approach. - To scale such systems, the only way is to scale vertically, i.e. use...

07 Mar 2017
Enrico Camerinelli

R3 vs Blockchain: Possible Consequences

Recent announcements from R3 warn banks to carefully watch blockchain as long as the technology remains immature. This comes at a time in which blockchain-based initiatives see financial institutions ...

07 Mar 2017
Innovation in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

5 Important Things To Consider Before Hiring Onsite Developers

Settling on the privilege contracting choice is once in a while a simple an errand, particularly on the off chance that you are working alone, without the assistance of IT staffing organization. The a...

07 Mar 2017
Business Knowledge for IT
A Finextra Member

Formats and Standards, A Disagreement

The definition of a format in the computing and financial world is: a defined structure for the processing, storage, or display of data. Data formats are crucial to financial organizations. It is impo...

06 Mar 2017
A Finextra Member

Blockchains for Efficient Commodity Management

Blockchain is a digital ledger where transactions made in bitcoin, another cryptocurrency, or any other digital contract are recorded chronologically and publicly. It provides facility similar to othe...

06 Mar 2017
Business Knowledge for IT
Nanda Kumar

Simplifying and standardising the Indian taxation system with GST Act

Since the 2016 World Economic Forum, the Fourth Industrial Revolution has become one of the most talked about movements. India is at the forefront with rapid digitalisation across industries. Digita...

06 Mar 2017
Dirk Kinvig

Historical white papers and research on Finextra

Over the years, Finextra has partnered with many third party outfits to produce white papers and research that you, our readership, have downloaded/perused upon completion a short sign-up form. We hav...

06 Mar 2017
Finextra site news
A Finextra Member

That was then and this is now. The fast moving landscape of banking technology

In the last eight years the amount of banking regulation has increased exponentially and the cost of compliance has gone up proportionately. The financial landscape with regards to customer needs and ...

06 Mar 2017
A Finextra Member

Instant issue: a missed opportunity?

Nothing takes a week anymore. Food, shopping, television; everything is on demand. Someone will even save you from the torment of assembling flatpack furniture! Why then, in this digital world where c...

06 Mar 2017
A Finextra Member

Challenges Of Offshore Programmers In Offshore Development

Today there are various choices for US Companies to perform offshore programming development known as Offshoring or Outsourcing. A portion of the nations that represent considerable authority in offsh...

06 Mar 2017
Business Knowledge for IT
Bahman Rezayat

Banking on Social Media Platforms

Social media Today, social media has become a new and important skill for all, even for those who do not even know a bit about IT. In recent years, access to social media by billions of users around t...

06 Mar 2017
Social Banks

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