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A Finextra Member

Why We Believe PSD2 Should be Better

In April this year the European Banking Authority released their final RTS draft for PSD2 to be presented to the European Parliament. Many European Fintech companies feel that the draft does not stay...

09 May 2017
Electronic Bank Account Management
Venkatesh P

Blockchain vs AI - which is the better bet ?

As it has always been, today too, technology managers have to contend with two complementing technologies for their attention and budget. In this circumstance, let us review where the tilt should be. ...

09 May 2017
Rolf Van Der Pol

Trade Based Money Laundering, it’s a craft to fight it

Hong Kong is only one country where regulators are focusing more and more on TBML as can be read in this article

09 May 2017
Asia Financial Services
A Finextra Member

MDM vs. MAM: Is Managing Apps or Devices Right for Your Business?

Comparing different approaches with advice on how to find the right mobile strategy The assumption that Mobile Device Management (MDM) is the same as Mobile Application Management (MAM) is a popular m...

08 May 2017
Innovation in Financial Services
Keith Bear

How will regulation impact the development of blockchain technology ?

Jessi Baker, the Founder and CEO of Provenance, recently said: “At its heart, a blockchain is a system that allows people who don’t trust each other, to trust each other.” There is no doubt that blo

06 May 2017
Fintech innovation and startups
A Finextra Member

Loyalty is a four-letter word

Why loyalty matters There is one simple reason why you should read this article. | “The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.” — Peter Drucker How do you keep a customer? With the ...

06 May 2017
Fintech innovation and startups
Samee Zafar

The Bilateralism of Blockchain

Most of us by now have heard, read, and wondered aloud about the idea and impact of blockchain in its various forms and manifestations on how things are done today. Countless commentaries appear in th...

06 May 2017
Milos Dunjic

The Persistent Payment Fraud Challenge and What Can Be Done About It

As I review the latest payments industry news, I am trying to identify if there could be some low-hanging fruit that would make sense for the payments card industry to focus on. It seems that there is...

06 May 2017
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Blockchain and Supply Chain Finance: the missing link!

Whereas the focus on the use of blockchain long time has been on payments and securities, an important but still undervalued use case has been supply chain finance. But that is changing. The complexit...

05 May 2017
A Finextra Member

The Internet of Things: Big Data, Bigger Opportunity

By 2020, experts predict that knowledge will double every 12 hours – primarily due to the explosive growth of the Internet of Things (IoT). Gartner predicts that the Internet of Things will include ...

05 May 2017
Business Knowledge for IT
Stacey Small

Relationship Status with my bank: It’s Complicated

How well do you feel your bank really knows you? GDPR is on the way and could be seen as another hoop to jump through for the banks. But the upside of managing your data in a more systematic, harmonis...

05 May 2017
Richard Broadbent

What will the branch network of the future look like?

Like companies in many industries, financial institutions are under pressure to chart a new course by reshaping their business models to compete in a world of changing customer expectations. There is...

05 May 2017

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