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A Finextra Member

Blockchain in Action : Round-up of blockchain stories from July 2017

The blockchain journey for most enterprises starts with a curiosity to learn and understand more about the blockchain, how it works, its relevance for the enterprise and how it can potentially transfo...

02 Aug 2017
Balazs Fejes

Where to Start with RPA in Financial Services

Financial institutions are only beginning to scratch the surface with Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and much of the technology’s potential remains untapped. This is not to say that financial insti...

01 Aug 2017
Digital Banking Trends
A Finextra Member

One Belt, One Road for Instant Payments?

Like you (no doubt), I’ve read countless articles discussing the business case and challenges associated with delivering real time payments. There’s a lot of focus on what new innovative products can ...

01 Aug 2017
A Finextra Member

New players need old players to flourish

In recent years, there have been numerous headlines hailing the rise of a new breed of financial technology players and the downfall of incumbent banks. However, to what extent has this been the case ...

01 Aug 2017
James Smith

500 days of tumbleweed - why is the FCA ignoring small businesses?

It has now been 500 days since the consultation period closed on 18 March 2016 for FCA Discussion Paper DP15/7 "Our approach to SMEs as users of financial services." At present, the provisio...

31 Jul 2017
Financial Services Regulation
A Finextra Member

Why the banking model could break the UK economy. Part Two.

In Part One I wrote about the problem with the UK banking model and why it undermines the UK economy. In summary, banks need to lend to make their current account model work; this helps a lot of peopl...

31 Jul 2017
Disruption in Retail Banking
André Stoorvogel

Retailers: game changers of the mobile payments industry?

We predicted that 2017 would be the year of ‘Mobile Payments 2.0’, with seamless payment methods, value-added services and alternative payment channels coming to the fore. As we move into the second h...

31 Jul 2017
Jan-Willem Van Capelle

MiFID II: regulatory burden or a driver for innovative change?

Today, MiFID II is undoubtedly the main point of focus for financial services providers. Coming into force on January the 3rd 2018, every MiFID responsible compliance officer or project manager is sup...

31 Jul 2017
A Finextra Member

GDPR may Clog Data Pipeline

If data is the “new oil,” could GDPR be a blockage in the pipeline? Admit it, phrases and jargon are so overused in our industry that they become annoying. The latest one is “data is the new oil.”...

31 Jul 2017
Urvish Macwan

You Can Only Enjoy Your Mobile App If It Has These Features

It is quite surprising that at this stage some companies don’t have a mobile app. It is even worse that they still question the importance of app development and mobile apps. Well, if you are among th...

31 Jul 2017
Jeremy Light

An alternative RTS for strong customer authentication

The PSD2 regulatory technical standards (RTS) for strong customer authentication and secure communication are proving difficult to finalise. With the EBA rejecting the EC's amendments to its final dra...

31 Jul 2017
Robert Siciliano

Black Hat 2017 was an Amazing Event

In July, more than 15,000 security pros, hackers, hobbyists, and researchers met in Las Vegas for the Black Hat Conference 2017 at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. This was the 20th year that the security c...

29 Jul 2017

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