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Robert Siciliano

Lack of Laptop Security Leads to Identity Theft

In 2003, an estimated 1.5 million laptops were stolen worldwide. Today, that number has climbed to 2.6 million. That’s a 70% increase in just a few years. That’s one stolen laptop every 12 seconds. La...

22 Dec 2009
Nick Ogden

Time to cheque out for Christmas

As we sit back and relax this Christmas a topic of conversation that is likely to rear its head over the festive Ogden dinner table will likely be the demise of the cheque. With several generations a

21 Dec 2009
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

Republic of Finland - exemplary action

The State Treasury sent out letters to 16 000 suppliers to the public sector last week to remind them of the fact that only electronic invoices will be accepted as of 1.1.2010. The deadline for paper ...

20 Dec 2009
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

Happy end for SME-tale in sight - if banks do their part..

We often hear the tragic tale about the SME-sector. Nobody is really interested in them and is competing for their business. Not the banks, not insurance companies, not the accounting profession, not ...

20 Dec 2009
Innovation in Financial Services
Uri Rivner

The Russians Love Their PCs Too

The Russians song by Sting was released in 1985, a year after Tom Clancy’s Hunt for Red October. No one could have guessed that within a couple of years, Perestroika and Glasnost would begin to defree...

18 Dec 2009
Online Banking
A Finextra Member

2010 crystal ball - retaining customer loyalty

With a new year (and a new decade approaching), it is time to look at what will be the next innovative technology in banking and loyalty. This year, banks have recognised more than ever, the need for ...

18 Dec 2009
A Finextra Member

Card fraud datamine?

Is this new service a mine of information for anybody that wants to access valid payment card numbers in order to use these for fraudulent on-line purchases? Or is the service PCI compliant thus makin...

18 Dec 2009
A Finextra Member

Happy Birth Day - Online Banking

Our “Online Banking community group” has accomplished 2 years of blogging on 18th Decemeber 2009. Wishing happy anniversary - for every group member. By this time, many blogs have been written on vari...

18 Dec 2009
Online Banking
Robert Siciliano

Identity Theft 2010 Top 10 Predictions

The Identity Theft Resource Center® (ITRC) and Robert Siciliano (me) have joined forces to expand the pool of knowledge about identity theft issues. As nationally recognized experts in this crime, we ...

18 Dec 2009
A Finextra Member

Happy Holidays

Now that everyone at Fidessa Towers is starting to wind down and prepare themselves for the Christmas break, I decided to look back at the predictions I made at the beginning of January 2009. As you c...

17 Dec 2009
Elizabeth Lumley

The Finextra FinTech 2010 predictions ...honest!

Finextra is soon to head off in our separate directions for our Christmas break. So I thought I would scribble down some New Year predictions. Fed up with Sibos prices, a 'major international bank' w...

17 Dec 2009
A Finextra Member

Cheques are on the way out - so what's the alternative?

Today the Payments Council has announced the target deadline of October 2018 for the end of cheques as a form of payment in the UK. For banks, this is welcome news. Cheques are one of the most expensi...

16 Dec 2009
Information Security

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