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Nick Ogden

Biometrics solve a very real problem

I came across this blog on Finextra which took a fairly cautious view on the use of biometrics in the UK and Europe. It referred to Bank Leumi now using voice biometrics for password re-setting for ...

09 Feb 2010
Nick Ogden

A solution to online fraud is necessary

News out this week suggests that online spending is on the rise with Brits spending £38billion online last year and the expectation that this trend will only increase in 2010. However, with opportuni...

05 Feb 2010
Nick Ogden

Time to restore consumer confidence

So, it’s January 2010; the hangovers are subsiding and everyone is gearing up for the New Year and the opportunities and challenges it will bring. This time last year in his speech to the CBI Mervyn K...

11 Jan 2010
Innovation in Financial Services
Nick Ogden

Voice Verification versus Voice Recognition

At the start of a new decade there still seems to be confusion between these two terms with many people using them interchangeably - so here’s the distinction set out plainly: Voice recognition, also ...

04 Jan 2010
Innovation in Financial Services
Nick Ogden

Time to cheque out for Christmas

As we sit back and relax this Christmas a topic of conversation that is likely to rear its head over the festive Ogden dinner table will likely be the demise of the cheque. With several generations a

21 Dec 2009
Innovation in Financial Services
Nick Ogden

The PSD is a window of opportunity

2009 has seen tightening up of regulation in the financial markets globally, and the payments environment is no exception. In Europe, the EU has pioneered a number of changes with the introduction of ...

26 Nov 2009
Innovation in Financial Services
Nick Ogden

Voice recognition Part 2

Gary Wright see sat and listened to a presentation that I made on Tuesday and wrote up a piece on his blog, due to reasons far beyond our un

31 Jan 2009
Innovation in Financial Services
Nick Ogden

Contactless payments, are we talking money?

Contactless payments really seem to have exploded recently. In the past month alone, we have heard announcements from both MasterCard and Visa about trials they are conducting in cities such as Liver

10 Nov 2008
Innovation in Financial Services
Nick Ogden

Meltdown Monday and so in God we Trust

I was in Reykjavik, Iceland on the Monday when the Icelandic economy meltdown occurred. By co-incidence I was also on Wall Street when the 1997 crash happened and being in both locations was, I promi...

03 Nov 2008
Innovation in Financial Services
Nick Ogden

POS fraud, E-Commerce challenges, Consumer confidence?

Following a report in The Telegraph earlier this month that described the international scale of what is known as a “supply chain attack” powered by Chip-and-PIN readers across the globe (http://www.t...

28 Oct 2008
Innovation in Financial Services
Nick Ogden

Evolving mobile financial services

With the announcement that Lloyds TSB is adding the functionality to transfer funds via SMS through its mobile banking service, it’s starting to look like the industry may need to consider new authent...

08 Oct 2008
Online Banking

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