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Brett King

The coming clash of KYC and P2P

Clearly we are entering a phase of massive disruption to the payments system(s) and incumbents of today. To put that disruption in perspective, let's think about what has led up to the current slew of...

30 May 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

Mobile Payments Palooza

Square POS and Cardcase, ClearXchange (BofA, Chase and Wells), Visa NFC trials, Google NFC trials - wow! Mobile Payments just arrived big time this week in the US particularly. So what does it all mea...

26 May 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

Resistance is futile - the end of banking as we know it...

My pals at BankSimple soft launched their debit cards internally for their staff this week, which is big news because it signifies the acceleration of the big shift in the BANK 2.0 landscape. Interest...

20 May 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

Why Apple must launch NFC in the iPhone 5

On 14th of March 2011, The Independent newspaper from the UK published an article suggesting that the iPhone 5 would not include Near-Field Communication (NFC) capability. A few days later on the 1

09 May 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

Get the journey right, stop focusing on the destination

If you are thinking of a trip you have any number of options to get there. You can travel by car, by bus, by train, by ship or by air. Depending on the distance you might walk, or ride a bike. You can...

20 Apr 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

The Curse of the Innovator

Recently we've been discussing at many organizations what it takes to get innovation done in large businesses with embedded behavior and practices. One side of the coin is obviously the impact of Disr...

14 Apr 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

'Winning' at Social Media in the Finance Space

Ok, so the feedback from Finextra's #finxsm event this week is that we're finally coming to grips with the fact that Social Media isn't going to disappear into the night like some passing fad. Good n...

08 Apr 2011
Finance 2.0
Brett King

Private Banking 2.0

Since the emergence of online banking there has been a fundamental assertion from high-net-worth bankers that their clients aren't digitally focused, they don't use social media or mobile banking, and...

06 Apr 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

UK Olympics to trial RFID biochips under athletes skin

In the latest attempt to capitalize on the NFC and RFID hype, the rumor mill has exploded with news that the IOC and the team behind the London Olympics is trialing new RFID bio-chips. The micro RFID ...

01 Apr 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

I'm more likely to leave my bank than iTunes...

There's a much quoted line in the UK banking market that you are more likely to get divorced than change current accounts. This comes from the statistic that around 75% of customers have never closed...

25 Mar 2011
Innovation in Financial Services
Brett King

6 Things Bankers Should Never say...

Banking is changing forever. Organizations like Britannica, Blockbuster, Borders, and even Bank of America (hint: don’t start a business with ‘B’) all suffer from the same collective challenge. When y...

18 Mar 2011
Finance 2.0
Brett King

Apple puts NFC on hold? Let's relax...not

There's rumours flying around about Apple possibly pulling out of their previous NFC (Near-Field Communications) launch commitment for the iPhone 5. Of course, Apple has neither substantiated or denie...

14 Mar 2011
Innovation in Financial Services

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