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Jordan Glazier

Cashback Rewards Programs Come of Age

There was a time not too long ago when banks gave out toasters to attract customers, retailers rewarded shoppers with redeemable stamps, and credit card companies gave out, well…new credit cards. Then...

20 Jul 2022
Jordan Glazier

Banking on Rewards to Preserve Customer Loyalty

The banking industry is undergoing an identity crisis. It faces a dwindling number of financial institutions, declines in non-interest income; and competition from challenger banks. Customer retention...

16 Mar 2022
Jordan Glazier

​​Banks Must Become Central to Consumers’ Daily Lives to Successfully Compete with Digital Upstarts

Banks are having a collective epiphany: the traditional role they play in their customers’ lives, which has been historically relegated to the “back-office,” must change. To remain competitive in thi...

16 Feb 2022
Jordan Glazier

Rewards Programs Help Banks Retain Customers and Drive New Revenue

Banks are experiencing a sea change in the competitive landscape from an increasingly fragmented set of nascent fintech competitors and the platoon of “Buy Now, Pay Later” startups and in addition to ...

07 Feb 2022
Disruption in Retail Banking
Jordan Glazier

3 Banking Industry Trends in 2022

As we head into 2022, it’s time to start looking at the trends that we see taking shape in the banking and financial services sectors. This is what we’re hearing and seeing from our partners in the ba...

04 Jan 2022

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