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Duena Blomstrom

Irrational Bank Loyalty - Part 2: Banks and the Accidental Brand

Oops I guess we have a brand" - Accidental Branding The opposite of intended branding -Awareness, Identity, Advertising and PR as we discussed in Part 1- is what I call "accidental brandin...

12 Aug 2015
Duena Blomstrom

Irrational Bank Loyalty - Part 1

Following what was overwhelming response last week to my "Everything is a brand - everything but a bank" article I've decided I'll explore this further and break down what being a brand in ...

10 Aug 2015
Duena Blomstrom

Everything's a Brand - Everything but a Bank

"What's a brand and why do we want it?" Have you seen Happyish? Critics have murdered it but some parts are absolutely worth watching. There is a scene in the pilot that says it all when it ...

03 Aug 2015
Duena Blomstrom

FinTechS - What's in a name?

A while ago on Twitter I confessed the term "FinTechS" irks me. The plural. It's a new phenomenon and maybe we are just using it to be hipsterishly "in" but there is something abou...

14 Jul 2015
Duena Blomstrom

Bankers - OWN the Owning, you OWE it!

I've spent the past few weeks on the road on a mini-FinTech tour Amsterdam to NYC to Barcelona with another stop in London. I've been part of two cool industry events - my beloved TedXofFinance TM Nex...

10 Jul 2015
Duena Blomstrom

An Open Letter to the Challenger Bank

Preface: Several tens of Challenger Banks are coming to change the Financial Services landscape in the UK. If you’re a banking consumer that is not in our oh-so-controversial Financial Services ind

30 Jun 2015
Duena Blomstrom

The FinTech Gold Rush and Alternative Banking Experiences

If we take a step back and look at what has been happening over the past 2-3 years we have reasons to rejoice. We were but claiming -if vehemently- that banking as we know it will vanish like the reco...

01 Jun 2015
Duena Blomstrom

EX for Banks' Sake!

Anyone who's read from me or spoken to me before, knows I am obstinately passionate about the concept of "Emotional Banking"/"Emotions and Banking" - just "Money and Feelings&...

20 May 2015
Duena Blomstrom

Et tu, Apple?

I’m in love with the fruit, I’ll admit it. So much so that I’ve counted the sleeps till I received my Apple Watch. Yes, one of “those people”. I may have even been less eager to schedule meetings Frid...

09 May 2015
Duena Blomstrom

Get me addicted to Saving!

“Saving is consumerism needlessly postponed” – Rory Sutherland, Ogily My name is Duena Blomstrom and I’m addicted to instant gratification. My four and a half year old often says “waiting for patience...

06 May 2015
Duena Blomstrom

It has to fit in the box on the front

Business banking. Who hasn’t lived or at least heard the stories? Getting a business account in the UK is a nightmare. It takes forever, the hoops you have to jump through are bureaucracy at its worse...

06 May 2015
Duena Blomstrom

What can save Banking? Experience Supermen

This post could have any of these tag lines and neither: Change. Organisations. Mammouth structures. Culture. Inertia. Banks. Extinction. “Banks won’t cease to exist but the banking experience of toda...

06 May 2015

Now hiring